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酒店餐桌批发市场 电动圆桌的规格与原理详情

酒店餐桌批发市场 电动圆桌的规格与原理

2024-03-06 15:09 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理
Specificaions an principles of elecric roun ables
聚餐次数多了不知道小伙伴有没有发现,电动圆桌慢慢变得随处可见了?酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理以前聚会吃大餐一大圆桌十几个人,神手转转盘就要转半天,在现在这个散布着各种慵懒人类的世界里,电动圆桌出现了。
Have you noice ha elecric roun ables have graually become ubiquious as we have ha more gaherings? In he pas, here were over a oen people a a large roun able for a big inner pary, an i woul ake half a ay for he ivine han o urn he urnable. In oay's worl fille wih various lay humans, elecric roun ables have emerge.
像这样的大型餐桌基本都是用于大型酒店的,酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理通常过生日结婚等都会选择在这样富丽堂皇的环境里举办,中国人喜欢热闹,吃饭越多人越好,但多人了夹菜就成了难题。电动圆桌之所以那么受欢迎除了解决了夹菜不方便的问题之外,是桌子本身越做越大。
Large ining ables like his are mosly use in large hoels. Usually, birhays, weings, an oher evens are hel in such a magnificen environmen. Chinese people like o be lively, an he more people ea, he beer. However, when here are more people, serving ishes becomes a challenge. he reason why elecric roun ables are so popular is no only because hey solve he problem of inconvenien serving, bu also because he able iself ges bigger as i ges bigger.
酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理(
he convenional sie specificaions for elecric roun ables are as follows:
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for en people is 2.2m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.3m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for welve people is 2.5m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.6m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for sixeen people is 2.8m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.8m, an he able heigh is 75cm
酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理(
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for eigheen people is 3.0m, he iameer of he urnable is 2.2m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for 20 people is 3.3m, he iameer of he urnable is 2.3m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he principle of an elecric roun able is as follows:
酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理(
电动圆桌中心有几个制动电机和蜗轮装置,电动机制动,酒店餐桌批发市场   电动圆桌的规格与原理牵引大小齿轮带动桌面转盘,匀速转动。电动圆桌桌芯目前有实木制造和钢铁制造两种。实木多为实木板材做成支架安装上电动机和大小齿轮。钢铁支架的多为电动机直接带动桌面转盘。同时电动机线路装置有遥控装置,可以远程调整电动机的转速和旋转方向。
he elecric rounable cener has several brake moors an worm gear evices, which brake an pull he large an small gears o rive he ableop urnable o roae a a uniform spee. here are currenly wo ypes of elecric roun able cores: soli woo manufacuring an seel manufacuring. Soli woo is mosly mae of soli woo panels an use as brackes o insall elecric moors an gears. Seel brackes are mosly riven by elecric moors ha irecly rive he eskop urnable. A he same ime, he moor circui evice has a remoe conrol evice ha can remoely aus he spee an irecion of roaion of he moor.
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