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25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌详情
25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌
2024-03-05 16:46 作者:岳灵峰总厂

25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌
Solid wood electric table electric dining table refers to an electric dining table made of solid wood electric table, which is better than other materials in terms of quality and price. Today, let's take a look at how to use a solid wood electric table electric dining table when it is affected by moisture. Wood can become moldy and even grow mushrooms, so it is not impossible to prevent moisture and timely ventilation.

受潮症状:过度潮湿的天会导致实木电动桌电动餐台表面出现小水珠,25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌表面油漆局部变色,受潮情况严重时会滋生霉点。
Symptoms of dampness: Excessive dampness can cause small water droplets on the surface of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables, causing local discoloration of the surface paint. In severe cases of dampness, mold can grow.
The increase in moisture content of wood leads to local volume expansion, ultimately causing deformation of the electric dining table. The wood connection in the electric dining table may crack due to excessive changes in moisture content.

Moisture-proof maintenance: If there is no condensation or mold on the solid wood electric table electric dining table, a moisture-proof package such as a desiccant can be placed inside the electric dining table for moisture absorption treatment.
外部用干毛巾擦拭干净后,擦一层核桃油隔湿。此外还需要注意日常的保养,25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌实木电动桌电动餐台要用专用清洁剂进行保养,可以用保护蜡或专门的清洁剂均匀地涂在电动餐台表面,然后轻轻擦拭即可,以保持其光泽并防潮。
Wipe the outside with a dry towel, and then wipe a layer of walnut oil for moisture insulation. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to daily maintenance. The solid wood electric table and electric dining table should be maintained with a special cleaning agent. Protective wax or a special cleaning agent can be evenly applied to the surface of the electric dining table, and then gently wiped to maintain its luster and moisture resistance.

Damping treatment: After the solid wood electric table and electric dining table are damp, if the situation is not serious, they should be ventilated and dried in a timely manner; If condensation or mold spots appear, it is necessary to dry the water droplets first, remove the mold spots with a mild cleaning agent, and then dehumidify. The beauty of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables lies in their naturalness and simplicity and elegance.
因为源于自然,所以总在不经意间体现出人与自然的和谐韵味;因为本质纯粹,25人餐桌尺寸 轻奢餐桌品牌 电动中式旋转餐桌所以无时无刻都散发出超凡脱俗的优雅和唯美。实木电动桌电动餐台给人一股质朴的息。
Because it originates from nature, it always inadvertently reflects the harmonious charm between humans and nature; Because of its pure essence, it exudes extraordinary elegance and beauty at all times. The solid wood electric table and electric dining table give people a simple breath.

It retains its natural color and exudes a natural pastoral charm. Regardless of the complex and simple design, or the dark and light colored solid wood electric table electric dining table, it can always decorate the living room with tranquility and freshness.
Choosing a solid wood electric table and electric dining table should not be blindly purchased. As the saying goes, comparing products with three different companies is a matter of minutes. It is only a matter of minutes to look at a few more companies. I recommend a large brand of solid wood electric table and electric dining tables with 36 years of brand history, "Yuelingfeng Electric Dining Table Factory". If you don't have to say too much, you will know how good it is.