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佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺详情
佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺
2024-03-05 10:24 作者:岳灵峰总厂

佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺寸餐桌
Moisture-proof Techniques for Solid Wood Electric Dining Table in Foshan Hotel -
立秋时,北斗指向西南。从这一天起秋天开始,秋高气爽,月明风清。此后,气温由热逐渐下降。佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺寸餐桌随着秋意渐浓,室内外的温度将会发生变化,这时我们的酒店实木电动餐桌保养也要进入了换季保养的阶段了。
At the beginning of autumn, the Beidou pointed southwest. Starting from this day, autumn begins, with clear skies and clear winds. Afterwards, the temperature gradually decreased from heat. As the autumn season deepens, the indoor and outdoor temperatures will change. At this time, our hotel's solid wood electric dining table maintenance will also enter the stage of seasonal maintenance.
Shortening the window opening time is not good for hotel solid wood electric dining tables as the indoor air in the home dries. Whether the wood cracks or not is closely related to humidity, so it is important to pay attention to increasing indoor air humidity. In autumn and winter, we can try to shorten the window opening time as much as possible, so that the humidity can be appropriately increased indoors. This is not only beneficial for people's health, but also greatly helpful for the maintenance of wooden electric dining tables.

更换厚窗帘夏季大家布置电动餐桌都会选用清爽薄纱窗帘,到了秋冬时节就该换掉啦,佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺寸餐桌不妨换成厚实一些的布艺窗帘,这样可以为室内的电动餐桌等遮挡住阳光的照射,减少干燥,同时也为冬季的御寒做好准备。
Replacing Thick Curtains: In summer, when decorating electric dining tables, everyone will choose refreshing thin gauze curtains. In autumn and winter, it's time to replace them. It's better to replace them with thicker fabric curtains, which can block out sunlight and reduce dryness for indoor electric dining tables, and also prepare for the cold in winter.

When cleaning wooden electric dining tables in autumn and winter with a damp cloth, it is recommended to use a slightly damp cloth, but it should not be too wet. This can not only replenish water but also prevent the electric dining table from getting damp. Green plants can also be used to add moisture. In order to prevent dryness from increasing moisture, more green plants can be placed at home, such as chlorophytum comosum, thorn ball, green apple, etc.

像吊兰、刺球这样的植物不仅可以增湿,还可以帮助吸纳房间里的甲醛等有毒气体佛山酒店酒店实木电动餐桌防潮技巧- 20人圆桌尺寸餐桌,安全环保。在室内放养观赏鱼的玻璃缸,养一些孔雀、黑玛丽、红箭等小型观赏鱼,或者是几条锦鲤等都是不错的选择,而且鱼缸里可以蒸发出充足水汽,来增加室内的湿度,既为房间增添情趣又达到补水的双重作用。
Plants such as chlorophytum comosum and thorn ball can not only increase humidity, but also help absorb toxic gases such as formaldehyde in the room, which is safe and environmentally friendly. A glass tank for indoor stocking of ornamental fish, as well as small ornamental fish such as peacocks, black Mary, and red arrows, or a few koi, are good choices. Moreover, the fish tank can evaporate sufficient water vapor to increase indoor humidity, adding fun to the room and achieving the dual function of replenishing water.
To stay away from heat sources and replenish water for an electric dining table, be sure not to place it too close to the radiator. Be careful to stay away from heat sources and keep it at least one meter away. You can also install a humidifier at home to improve indoor air dryness. The weather in autumn and winter is already dry, and if you don't pay attention to replenishing water for your home, it can easily crack and affect its appearance. The dry autumn season is about to begin, and everyone should also start watering the hotel's solid wood electric dining table.