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时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识详情
时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识
2024-02-29 11:24 作者:岳灵峰总厂

时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识-
International Knowledge of Hotel Furniture You Don't Know -
Six major functions: stepping out of the internationalization path of China's catering industry in the main counties, WE Big 00 Color Zone; In addition, the production and manufacturing base of the enterprise is mainly returned by the Western Daoshi, the product logistics storage and transportation center is the Beizaosheng, the auxiliary material trading and distribution center is the Yuzaosheng, the main material market trading and distribution center is the Beizaosheng, and many are the exhibition and retail trading centers

生活休闲区六大功能区域组成的成都家具产业园将建成继德国科隆、时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识-意大利米兰、美国高点之后,又一个具有国际影响的家具生产与展销基地,从而推进整个中国家具产业实现新跨越。西部家具生产基地,将集中西部地区优秀的家具企业进入园区,以专业的人才、高效的团队、先进高端的理念、完善配套的服务,形成西部家具企业集聚发展的载体。基地按照现代工业园区的设计理念,实行统一规划,
The Chengdu Furniture Industrial Park, composed of six functional areas for living and leisure, will be built as another internationally influential furniture production and exhibition base, following the high points of Cologne in Germany, Milan in Italy, and the United States, thereby promoting a new leap in the entire Chinese furniture industry. The Western Furniture Production Base will gather outstanding furniture enterprises from the western region to enter the park, forming a carrier for the agglomeration and development of Western furniture enterprises with professional talents, efficient teams, advanced and high-end concepts, and complete supporting services. The base follows the design concept of modern industrial parks and implements unified planning,

Unified design, unified infrastructure, and the creation of a large production and manufacturing zone for Western branded furniture enterprises. The Furniture Exhibition and Sales Trading Center is a professional exhibition hall designed for home furniture production enterprises in the park, with a capacity of 00 square meters. It also gathers furniture products from domestic and international furniture manufacturers, including civil furniture, hotel furniture, children's furniture, campus furniture, and 00 special purpose furniture for functional zoning display and sales. It has built a one-stop international furniture procurement base and an eternal international furniture expo. Warehouse, logistics, storage and transportation center, building an internationally advanced electronic logistics information resource management system platform,

提升现代物流的信息流通、资源管理、储运结算、时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识中转配送等功能,引进国际上先进的第三方物流企业,来满足园区内家具生产企业和主辅料材料市场商家的商品与物料的储运、中转、配送需求。打造具规模,专业性强,功能完善的专业物流储运区。
Improve the information circulation, resource management, storage and transportation settlement, transit and distribution and other functions of modern logistics, and introduce internationally advanced third-party logistics enterprises to meet the storage, transportation, transit and distribution needs of goods and materials of furniture manufacturers and merchants in the main and auxiliary material markets in the park. Build a professional logistics storage and transportation area with scale, strong professionalism, and complete functions.
Three mutual manufacturers are auxiliary material distribution centers, introducing distributors of auxiliary materials for furniture production, including leather, fabrics, filling materials, paint coatings, adhesive auxiliary materials, glass products, jewelry and decorative materials, furniture hardware, hardware tools, processing machinery, packaging materials, etc. While meeting the supply of auxiliary materials required by furniture production enterprises in the park,

辐射西部及国内市场。道适主是主料配送中心,引进家具生产的原材丰半一一原木、板材、线材、钢材、玻璃、00需材料等经销商。满足园区内家具生产企业所需的主材料供应,同时逐步形成主料的就地加工增值。生活休闲区,时尚圆形餐桌 你不知道的酒店家具国际化知识为入驻园区的企业投资者和员工,管理人员,往来客商以及其他层面的不同需求的人群提供一个良好的就近生活居住环境。
Radiate the western and domestic markets. Dao Shizhu is the main material distribution center, introducing distributors of furniture production raw materials such as Fengbanyi logs, boards, wires, steel, glass, and 00 materials. Meet the supply of main materials required by furniture production enterprises in the park, while gradually forming on-site processing and value-added of main materials. The living and leisure area provides a good nearby living environment for corporate investors and employees, management personnel, business travelers, and other groups with different needs who settle in the park.
Life supporting facilities such as hotels, apartments, supermarkets, hospitals, catering and entertainment are all available, and the excellent environment and convenient transportation will also promote commercial development while becoming a high-end area for people's leisure and entertainment.