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20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸 什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山详情

20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸 什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山

2024-02-29 10:56 作者:岳灵峰总厂

20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山家具有限公司

What is Green Hotel Furniture (Detailed Explanation) - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd


制造业的影响,比如说酒店家具,从生产和原材料开始,利用能源变成产品制造过程,在制造过程当中有有害物质,包括噪音对环境的污染和人类的污染。第二在使用过程当中也会有有害物质和噪音的污染。生活水平的提高,20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山家具有限公司人们面临的很多产品,带来使用功能,或者休闲功能,同时也带来了危害。这些危害怎么来评价?怎么进行提高?由此提出绿色观念。绿色观念从2006年开始国内炒得很热。
The impact of manufacturing industry, such as hotel furniture, starts from production and raw materials, using energy to turn into a product manufacturing process, which contains harmful substances, including noise pollution to the environment and human pollution. Secondly, there may also be harmful substances and noise pollution during use. The improvement of living standards has brought many products that people face, including functional or leisure functions, as well as harm. How to evaluate these hazards? How to improve? Thus, the concept of green is proposed. The concept of green has been very popular in China since 2006.
20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山(
00别是健美教练马华的突然去世,衍生出了很多的舆论。所以绿色酒店家具突然升温。绿色产品是什么东西?从生产使用、到回收都符合环境保护要求,有利于资源再生和回收利用的产品就是绿色产品,20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山家具有限公司对通适主圣也是如此。绿色技术有3个方面:资源优化利用,
The sudden death of fitness coach Ma Hua has sparked a lot of public opinion. So the furniture of green hotels suddenly heats up. What is a green product? From production and use to recycling, products that meet environmental protection requirements and are conducive to resource regeneration and recycling are green products, and the same applies to Tongshi Zhusheng. Green technology has three aspects: resource optimization and utilization,
20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山(
The second is to protect the environment, and the third product has a lifecycle. There are three main objectives: people-oriented, optimized utilization of resources, and environmental protection. It also includes three aspects: green resources, including green materials and energy, as well as recycling. Green manufacturing, for example, factories owned by the same manufacturer are spotless, and some factories shed dust in their eyes as soon as they enter. To manufacture a green hotel furniture product, the manufacturing process is also quite important.
20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山(
绿色功能,比如说符合人体功效、节省木料、节省能源,20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山家具有限公司便于回收利用。明清家具是又重又笨,现在的尤其是意大利家具是又轻又好。合理利用木材、节省木材的同时同样达到功效是研究的目标。还要注重产品的升级、使用过程。怎样使绿色技术,达到绿色家具的效果。方面要加大宣传教育;
Green functions, such as meeting human health benefits, saving wood, energy, and facilitating recycling. The furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties was heavy and clumsy, and now, especially Italian furniture, is light and good. The goal of research is to make reasonable use of wood and save wood while also achieving efficiency. We also need to pay attention to the upgrade and use process of the product. How to use green technology to achieve the effect of green furniture. On the one hand, we need to increase publicity and education;
Secondly, in terms of management mechanisms, including government and national ones_ As well as various management and consumption mechanisms of local and corporate entities, P’ Again and again, it is a technical means. From the perspective of furniture, it mainly involves two aspects: overall technology. In the entire planning, such as enterprise planning, product development planning, and furniture city planning, the green effect should be considered in the planning.
20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山(
第二个就是产品的专利技术。就是绿色的具体实施技术。第三是产品的自身技术。比如说现在很多企业把信息技术用到酒店家具上面。条形码和ERP改造家具生产过程,短短几年家具行业的管理提高了很多。20人会议室圆餐桌尺寸  什么是绿色酒店家具-佛山家具有限公司绿色鱼应主题内涵包括5个方面:个叫使用的普遍性。第二个是功能的二重性,要满足人的生理功能和心理功能。第三是文化的综合性,酒店家具本身的物质文化、精神文化和艺术文化这几方面都要在产品当中体现出来。
The second is the patented technology of the product. It is the specific implementation technology of green. The third is the product's own technology. For example, many companies now apply information technology to hotel furniture. The barcode and ERP transformation of the furniture production process has greatly improved the management of the furniture industry in just a few years. The theme of green fish includes five aspects: the universality of its use. The second is the duality of function, which needs to meet the physiological and psychological functions of a person. The third is the comprehensiveness of culture, and the material, spiritual, and artistic aspects of hotel furniture itself should be reflected in the products.
The fourth is environmental protection, which requires saving resources and energy, without pollution or harm. The fifth is the periodicity of life, from its design, production, sales and use, to its subsequent recycling. Furniture companies nowadays have not yet thought of recycling. And now hotel companies are doing it, and the general five and four regulations require furniture replacement within five years.
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