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电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限详情
电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限
2024-02-29 08:49 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限公司
Panel Hotel Furniture Knowledge - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
板式酒店家具以款式新颖、色彩鲜艳、电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限公司木纹清晰以及不变形、不开裂、防蛀、价格适中等优点成为酒店家具类别中的新一族。正确选购板式道造主圣应注意以下五点;
Panel style hotel furniture has become a new category of hotel furniture due to its innovative style, bright colors, clear wood grain, non deformation, non cracking, mothproof, and affordable prices. The following five points should be paid attention to when selecting and purchasing board road manufacturers correctly;

一、表面质量 板式酒店家具以刨花板、中密度纤维板等人造板为基材,表面饰以三聚氰胺、PVC,木质薄木和纸质木纹等覆贴面,仿木纹形的花纹清晰自然,光滑平整,有着良好的视觉效果和手感。选购时主要看表面的板材是否有划痕、压痕、鼓泡、脱胶起皮和胶痕迹等缺陷;木纹图案是否自然流畅,不要有人工造作的感觉;对于对称酒店家具,更要注意板面色彩、纹路的一致性和谐调性,让人感到对称板块如同出自一块材料。
1、 Surface quality Panel hotel furniture takes particle board, medium density fiberboard and other man-made boards as the base material, and the surface is decorated with melamine, PVC, wood veneer, paper wood grain and other overlays. The pattern of imitation wood grain is clear and natural, smooth and flat, with good visual effect and feel. When purchasing, the main focus is on whether the surface of the board has defects such as scratches, indentations, blisters, peeling, and adhesive marks; Whether the wood grain pattern is natural and smooth, without any artificial feeling; For symmetrical hotel furniture, it is even more important to pay attention to the consistency and harmony of panel colors and patterns, making people feel that symmetrical panels come from the same material.

二、制作质量 板式酒店家具在制作中是将成型的板材经过裁锯、电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限公司装饰封边、部件拼装组合而成的。其制作质量主要看裁锯质量,边、面装饰质量和板件端口质量。制作板式酒店家具的板材在裁锯中对板块部件的平直度、垂直度、对角度都有质量要求,一般来说板材的裁锯技术在每米0甲01毫米以内,达到精度要求的板材裁锯后边廓平整、对角度好,制成家具后就不会出现板块倾斜的现象。
2、 The production quality of panel hotel furniture is formed by sawing, decorating and sealing the edges of the formed panels, and assembling the components in the production process. The production quality mainly depends on the quality of the cutting saw, the quality of the edge and surface decoration, and the quality of the board port. The board used for making panel hotel furniture has quality requirements for the flatness, perpendicularity, and angle of the board components during sawing. Generally, the sawing technology for the board is within 0.01mm per meter, and the board that meets the accuracy requirements has a flat edge and good angle after sawing. After making furniture, there will be no tilting of the board.

裁据中锯片的精度也会影响板材的端面、端边质量,划痕、崩边、塌角等裁锯缺陷也会影响板式酒店家具的外观质量。边、面装饰主要看其装饰部件上涂胶是否均匀,粘结是否牢固、修边是否平整光滑,零部件旁板、门板、抽屉面板等下口处等可视部位端面是否封边处理,装饰精良的板材边廓上摸不出粘结的痕迹。拼装组合主要看钻孔处企口是否精致、整齐,连接件安装后是否牢固,电动餐桌说明 板式酒店家具常识-佛山家具有限公司平面与端面连接后T形缝有没有间隙,用手推动有没有松动现象。门、抽屉的分缝是否间隙过大,一般要求在lmm一2nmm之间,门和抽屉的开启推拉是否灵活自如等。
The accuracy of the saw blade in the cutting process can also affect the quality of the end face and edge of the board, and cutting defects such as scratches, edge collapses, and corners can also affect the appearance quality of board hotel furniture. The edge and surface decoration mainly depends on whether the adhesive on the decorative components is evenly applied, whether the bonding is firm, whether the trimming is flat and smooth, and whether the visible parts such as the side panels, door panels, drawer panels, etc. have edge sealing treatment on the end faces. The edges of the well decorated board cannot be traced for bonding. The assembly combination mainly depends on whether the groove at the drilling hole is exquisite and neat, whether the connecting parts are firm after installation, whether there is any gap between the T-shaped joint after connecting the plane and end face, and whether there is any looseness when pushed by hand. Whether the gap between the door and drawer joints is too large, usually between 1mm and 2nmm, and whether the opening and pulling of the door and drawer are flexible and free.
de, which can affect physical health and the occurrence of certain diseases.