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电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌详情
电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌
2024-02-28 10:54 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌
What are the precautions for customizing electric dining tables
1.板材的厚度进行问题,市面上我们现在的板材产品主要有以下两种不同厚度,16mm和18mm,虽然只有空两毫米的差别,但是它的寿命方面确实天差地别,18mm的板材可以做出来的电动电动餐桌,使用网络寿命是16mm的两倍,电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌在使用管理过程中也能保证生产门板不会产生变形、开裂。
1. There is a problem with the thickness of the board. Our current board products on the market mainly have two different thicknesses, 16mm and 18mm. Although there is only a difference of two millimeters, their lifespan does vary greatly. 18mm boards can be used to make electric dining tables, and the lifespan of the network is twice that of 16mm. During the use and management process, it can also ensure that the production door panels will not deform or crack.

Although this thing is only two millimeters apart, the difference between them is very far, so don't covet the price of that two millimeters.
2.选择板型,板材用于制造市场上的电动电动餐桌有许多种,电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌像实木,生态木,刨花等。实木虽然很结实耐用,但是它的价格我相信我们大家都知道,一组柜做下来肯定会花不少的钱,这些很多东西都要看学生自己的经济发展实力来选择,千万不要因为听信有些企业商家的噱头,有的一些无良商家可以只是想推销那些卖不出去工作或者服务质量稍差的实木。
2. Choose the board type, which is used to manufacture electric dining tables in the market. There are many types of boards, such as solid wood, ecological wood, shavings, etc. Although solid wood is very sturdy and durable, I believe we all know its price. It will definitely cost a lot of money to make a set of cabinets. Many of these things depend on students' own economic development strength to choose. Don't just listen to the gimmicks of some companies and unscrupulous merchants who just want to promote solid wood that cannot be sold for work or has slightly inferior service quality.

In fact, in terms of practical performance, ecological wood and particleboard are more suitable for ordinary people to choose from, with high cost-effectiveness and affordable prices.
3. The back panel is made of double-sided panels, which many laypeople are unaware of. There is also a hidden process behind the electric dining table, and her hidden process is very important. There are two types of materials for the back panel. In order to prevent merchants from cutting corners, one should also be cautious. Single sided sealing adhesive is only applied on one side of the fireproof skin, which has poor moisture resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to use double-sided boards.

4.五金配件,之前也强调过,虽然是五件配件的尺寸,电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌但其作用非常重要,影响电动电动餐桌的使用寿命。
4. Hardware accessories, as previously emphasized, although they are the size of five accessories, their role is very important and affects the service life of electric dining tables.
When installing some installation masters, they will bring these things for installation. I suggest that you buy these things or are you more comfortable. They can purchase them and know their quality, but there are also many accessories that the quality masters haven't brought with them? Yes, the price is also very expensive.
5.环保检验报告,很多人在选择电动电动餐桌的板材时只是口头上的去问有没有很大的污染甲醛什么的,但是你没有看得到切切实实的证据,不管是大品牌还是小品牌,都应当要看环保检验报告,涉及到这些板材涂料的都千万不能马虎,电动餐桌定制有哪些注意事项 旋转电动餐桌这些都是会影响身体健康的,一定要确保质量合格了再选择它。
5. Environmental inspection reports. Many people only verbally ask if there is significant pollution of formaldehyde or other substances when choosing the boards for electric dining tables. However, you have not seen tangible evidence. Whether it is a large brand or a small brand, you should read the environmental inspection reports. When it comes to these board coatings, you should not be careless. These are all factors that can affect your health, and you must ensure that the quality is qualified before choosing them.