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火锅旋转餐桌家具定制 电动餐桌专卖店厂家详情

火锅旋转餐桌家具定制 电动餐桌专卖店厂家

2024-02-27 10:49 作者:岳灵峰总厂

火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家

There are clever tips for using pure solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables. When using them, the environment should be kept as stable as possible
保持环境的稳定,纯实木电动桌电动餐台在使用时,应尽量保持环境的稳定。尤其是温度及湿度不应有剧烈变化,否则会导致电动餐台的变形注意电动餐台表面的清洁维护,定时用纯棉干软布轻轻拭去表面浮尘,火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家
To maintain environmental stability, pure solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables should be used as stably as possible. Especially, temperature and humidity should not undergo drastic changes, otherwise it may cause deformation of the electric dining table. Pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of the surface of the electric dining table. Regularly use a pure cotton dry soft cloth to gently wipe off the surface dust. Every once in a while, use a wet cotton thread that has been wrung dry to wipe off the accumulated dust in every corner of the electric dining table, and then use a clean dry soft cotton cloth to wipe it off.

火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家(

避免用酒精、汽油或其他化学溶剂除污,电动餐台表面如有污渍,火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家千万不可使劲猛擦,可用温茶水将污渍轻轻去除,等到水分挥发后在原部位涂上蜡,然后轻盈地磨拭几次以形成保护膜。
Avoid using alcohol, gasoline, or other chemical solvents to remove stains. If there are stains on the surface of the electric dining table, do not vigorously wipe it. You can gently remove the stains with warm tea water, wait for the moisture to evaporate, apply wax to the original area, and then lightly rub it several times to form a protective film.

火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家(

避免硬物划伤,打扫卫生时,勿使清洁工具触及电动餐台,平时要注意,不要让坚硬的金属制品或其他利器碰撞电动餐台,保护其表面不出现碰伤痕迹。避免阳光直射,应尽量避免室外阳光对电动餐台整体或局部的长时间暴晒,火锅旋转餐桌家具定制  电动餐桌专卖店厂家其摆放位置好在能够躲开阳光照射进来的地方,或用透明的薄纱窗帘隔开日光直射,这样,既不影响室内采光,又保护了室内电动餐台。·:
Avoid scratches from hard objects. When cleaning, do not let cleaning tools touch the electric dining table. Be careful not to let hard metal products or other sharp tools collide with the electric dining table, and protect its surface from scratches. Avoid direct sunlight and try to avoid prolonged exposure to the entire or partial electric dining table from outdoor sunlight. Place it in a place that can avoid sunlight, or use transparent gauze curtains to isolate direct sunlight. This not only does not affect indoor lighting, but also protects the indoor electric dining table
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