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如何维护和保养实木电动桌 宴会15人电动餐桌椅详情

如何维护和保养实木电动桌 宴会15人电动餐桌椅

2024-02-27 10:45 作者:岳灵峰总厂

如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅

How to Maintain and Maintain Solid Wood Electric Table Electric Dining Table


若电动餐台上沾上了污渍,可以用油性清洁剂擦拭。除尘。电动餐台表面的尘埃,可用软毛刷除去,再用棉绸等柔软布料缓缓擦拭。可用吸尘器吸收缝隙外及隐蔽部分的尘埃,残留的尘埃,可用消毒过的略湿软布擦去。·如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅木电动桌电动餐台本身是需要保养的
If there are stains on the electric dining table, it can be wiped with an oily cleaner. Dust removal. The dust on the surface of the electric dining table can be removed with a soft bristle brush, and then gently wiped with soft fabrics such as cotton and silk. A vacuum cleaner can be used to absorb the dust outside the gaps and hidden parts, and residual dust can be wiped off with a slightly damp and disinfected soft cloth· The wooden electric table and electric dining table themselves require maintenance
如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅(
The beauty and value of the solid wood electric table and electric dining table itself are greatly discounted. How to maintain and maintain a solid wood electric table and electric dining table, what should be paid attention to? The editor starts with the seven common problems in daily life of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables, and tells you what methods are available.
如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅(
防干、防潮。干燥和潮湿,是电动餐台保护的大敌。如空湿度过低,如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅电动餐台木材含水量不足,电动餐台会翘曲变形,干裂发脆,缝隙增多,结构松动,强度降低。
Prevent dryness and moisture. Dry and humid are the major enemies of electric dining table protection. If the air humidity is too low and the wood moisture content of the electric dining table is insufficient, the electric dining table will warp and deform, dry and brittle, with more gaps, loose structure, and reduced strength.
On the contrary, if the air humidity is too high, it will cause the wood to expand and the electric dining table to twist and deform. Anti light. Light has a damaging effect on the electric dining table made of solid wood. The infrared rays in the light can cause the surface of the electric dining table to heat up, resulting in warping and cracking. And the harm of ultraviolet radiation is even greater. It can not only fade the electric dining table, but also reduce the mechanical strength of wood fibers.
如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅(
光照对木纤维的破坏作用是一种渐进的化学变化过程,即使光照停止后,如何维护和保养实木电动桌  宴会15人电动餐桌椅在暗处还继续起破坏作用。防水。带水的湿布是实木电动桌电动餐台的天敌。因为湿布中的水分和灰尘混合后,会形成颗粒状,一经摩擦电动餐台表面,就容易对其造成一定损害。
The destructive effect of light on wood fibers is a gradual chemical change process, and even after the light stops, it continues to play a destructive role in the dark. Waterproof. Wet cloth with water is the natural enemy of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables. Because the mixture of moisture and dust in the wet cloth can form granular shapes, once rubbed against the surface of the electric dining table, it is easy to cause certain damage.
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