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实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯详情
实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯
2024-02-26 08:51 作者:岳灵峰总厂

实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯
Attention to the placement of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables
In the new Chinese style home, with the improvement of quality of life, more and more successful people prefer to use wooden electric dining tables with electric tables. Many families will purchase complete sets of wooden electric dining tables with electric tables to layout their houses.

不过,从风水的角度来讲,电动桌木质电动餐台的材质、摆放位置、实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯形状等都是有讲究的,不能随意选择和摆放。下面一起来了解一下,在家中摆放电动桌木质电动餐台都有哪些风水讲究。
However, from the perspective of feng shui, the material, placement, and shape of wooden electric dining tables for electric tables are all carefully considered and cannot be randomly selected or placed. Let's take a look at the feng shui requirements for placing wooden electric dining tables at home.

Choosing the right material for a prosperous fortune electric table. There are many options for wooden electric dining tables, ranging from three plywood to red cypress wood, black cypress wood, etc. There is a lot of space to choose from. However, if it is a major electric dining table, such as the automatic dining table in the living room, dining table, TV table, restaurant automatic dining table, bedroom electric dining table, etc., it is good to choose high-quality wood, which can reflect the owner's high quality and achievement.

其中好一点的原木,不能用三夹板充数,因为主电动餐台与房主个人的官运、实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯财运相挂钩,木材虽然不是非要桧木不可,但至少要用密度高且有光泽的坚固木材,这样才有助于提升运势,而一些合成板材,则完全起不到任何辅助作用。
One of the better logs cannot be filled with three plywood, because the main electric dining table is linked to the homeowner's personal official and financial luck. Although cypress wood is not necessary, at least high-density and glossy sturdy wood should be used to help improve luck, while some synthetic boards do not have any auxiliary effect.

The shape of an electric dining table requires attention. In addition to materials, wooden electric dining tables also require attention to shape, with rectangular and circular shapes being preferred. Because the circular shape belongs to water and generates wood, it can give more advantages to wooden electric dining tables; The rectangular shape belongs to wood, which can undoubtedly showcase the woodiness of electric tables, and its form is simple, generous, and durable.
nhance their career prospects. If this type of electric dining table is accidentally placed in the white tiger position, there may be conflicts of interest or constant petty disputes in the workplace, and in serious cases, it may even cause official misconduct.
When placing a solid wood electric dining table, like other electric dining tables, there should be a solid wall behind it. If there is no solid wall behind the electric dining table, such as a window, door, or aisle, it is equivalent to having no support behind it, an empty space, and a situation of leakage, making it difficult to survive.
从新中式心理方面来说,电动餐桌背后无靠,使人缺少安全感,实木电动桌电动餐台摆放 电动餐桌机芯总有背后受袭之感,让人心神不宁;倒不如背靠墙来得心安理得。如是户型布局中实在不能靠墙,可借助矮桌或屏风摆放其后,以“人造靠山”来予以补救。另外,横梁压无论是在客厅、卧室还是厨房都是大忌。
From the perspective of new Chinese psychology, electric dining tables lack a sense of security and always feel attacked from behind, making people uneasy; It's better to lean against the wall for peace of mind. If it is not possible to lean against the wall in the layout of the apartment, a low table or screen can be used to place it behind, and an artificial mountain support can be used to remedy the situation. In addition, beam compression is a major taboo in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen.
dining table at the water level to form a water gathering situation