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电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅详情
电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅
2024-02-24 10:25 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅
Electric dining tables are undoubtedly an indispensable category in home products
近几年来,电动餐桌等思潮和方向前仆后继在家居行业风行。电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅更有甚者,连一些做小单品的企业也在跟风炒作全案输出、整案配套。风向过后,其实更多制造企业愈发迷茫。迷茫有几点:一是单品还有生存空间吗?二是所有企业都要转型全案吗?三是市场到底需要什么样的家居产品更迭?
In recent years, trends and directions such as electric dining tables have been popular in the home furnishing industry one after another. Moreover, even some small item companies are following the trend to hype up the full case output and supporting the entire case. After the wind has turned, more manufacturing companies are actually becoming increasingly confused. There are several points of confusion: first, is there still room for survival for individual products? Is it necessary for all enterprises to undergo a complete transformation plan? What kind of home products do the market need for replacement?

With these questions in mind, we have visited some electric dining table companies one after another, where we have seen some companies continue to boldly explore the integration of multiple categories, as well as some electric dining table companies returning to simplicity and adhering to the vertical depth of single categories. We are deeply pleased that there is an electric dining table enterprise that no longer emphasizes direction, but focuses on manufacturing itself, product research and development, and continuous exploration of the breadth and depth of vertical markets.

电动餐桌,毋庸置疑是家居产品里不可或缺的一个品类。电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅各种风格、各种尺寸、各种材质,行业各家电动餐桌制造企业都在强调自己的功能诉求,或者准确说是物质层面的需求对应。需求更高层次里,还有社交需求、尊严需求,以及社会认可。t别是社交属性,在当下移动互联网时代,更加表现为网红效应和“种草”表达。从这个逻辑来说,每个人都应该拥有一个自我定义的产品,每个人都应有一张自己内心的餐桌的样子。但是家居制造,t别是成品家具的制造,很难做到一对一的柔性化设计和制造交付。这个矛盾就存在了,这个冲突就是市场的洼地所在。
Electric dining tables are undoubtedly an indispensable category in home products. Various styles, sizes, and materials are emphasized by various electric dining table manufacturing companies in the industry, emphasizing their functional demands, or more precisely, the corresponding material needs. At a higher level of demand, there are also social needs, dignity needs, and social recognition. T is not just a social attribute, but in the current era of mobile internet, it is more manifested as the internet celebrity effect and "grass planting" expression. From this logic, everyone should have a self defined product, and everyone should have the appearance of their own inner dining table. However, in home manufacturing, especially in the manufacturing of finished furniture, it is difficult to achieve one-on-one flexible design and manufacturing delivery. This contradiction exists, and it is where the market lies.

China-Chic is not a style, but a lifestyle, but a confidence of Chinese design and Chinese manufacturing!
电动餐桌家居行业又是一个F2B2C的行业,家居制造企业天然依赖各个层级的经销商及门店,或者多种电商渠道,来完成对产品上架面向消费者的“最后一公里”销售及服务。此次面向终端还推出了“餐桌超市1.0”的概念,也将在本次2021家具展上推出。电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅这个概念将会融合百家姓的文创概念,打造一个“你妈喊你回家吃饭”的百家文化!这个终端体系,除了陈列更多风格更多材质功能的产品,未来还将和餐饮类各个企业联名甚至跨界联合销售。
The electric dining table and home furnishings industry is also an F2B2C industry, and home manufacturing enterprises naturally rely on distributors and stores at various levels, or various e-commerce channels, to complete the "last mile" sales and services of products on the shelves for consumers. The concept of "Dining Table Supermarket 1.0" has also been launched for terminals, and will also be launched at the 2021 Furniture Exhibition. This concept will integrate the cultural and creative concepts of a hundred surnames, creating a hundred family culture where "your mother calls you home to eat"! This terminal system will not only display products with more styles, materials, and functions, but also collaborate with various catering enterprises in the future, even cross-border joint sales.

Based on the culture of electric dining tables, jumping out of the dining table to become a dining table will be the direction of continuous exploration for electric dining tables in the future.
原来一个简单的电动餐桌,居然可以有这么广度和深度的扩展。电动餐桌,自动餐桌椅批发 欧式电动餐桌椅国内家居经过三十年发展,外界看来正在走向成熟和衰老期,没想到其实星星点点,还有这样一些企业和企业家,正在t立d行地探索一条自己的创新之路。
It turns out that a simple electric dining table can have such a wide and deep expansion. After thirty years of development, domestic home furnishings seem to be moving towards maturity and aging. Unexpectedly, there are still some companies and entrepreneurs who are exploring their own innovative path.