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电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销 餐饮包厢20人位餐详情

电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销 餐饮包厢20人位餐

2024-02-24 09:40 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐桌

Electric dining table brands now need to think about how to achieve a comprehensive 

The new consumption has already affected the electric dining table industry, and in recent years, consumption upgrading has become an unavoidable topic for the entire industry. The logic behind it is still the change in demand, which stems from the fact that the new generation of electric dining table consumers have become the main consumers.
电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐(
随着大数据时代来临,新新事物出现到被人们了解接受的时长正在缩短,电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐桌市场增长的速度就在加快。同样属于新新品类的电动餐桌行业可说是一片可喜之态,但较传统的家具行业似乎还是热闹有余,增势不足。是的,电动餐桌行业是因为太新,而家具则是因为国内市场发展断层。市场前景不言而喻,但消费市场依然都处于认知未被收割阶段。
With the advent of the big data era, the time it takes for new and emerging things to be understood and accepted by people is shortening, and the speed of market growth is accelerating. The electric dining table industry, which also belongs to the new and new category, can be said to be a promising trend, but it seems to be more lively than the traditional furniture industry, with insufficient growth momentum. Yes, the electric dining table industry is because it is too new, while furniture is due to the development gap in the domestic market. The market prospects are self-evident, but the consumer market is still in the stage of cognitive untapped.
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新消费的核心在于“新一代为消费主体”,其诉求在于多元化,尤其是对待生活的态度,他们更关注人居和谐关系,也就是自我意识觉醒,对于电动餐桌的高要求不止是造型的外延,还有功能的内涵,带来的“从心出发”的商业新逻辑改变。电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐桌其变化的根源,首先是势易时移,商业发展背后经济社会的演变;其次,人际代差带来了消费意识的变迁。巨大的空白市场提供了电动餐桌行业的高成长性。
The core of new consumption lies in "the new generation as the main consumer", and its demand lies in diversification, especially in their attitude towards life. They pay more attention to harmonious living relationships, that is, self-awareness awakening. The high requirements for electric dining tables are not only the extension of appearance, but also the connotation of function, bringing about a new commercial logic change of "starting from the heart". The root cause of its changes is firstly the changing trend and the evolution of the economy and society behind commercial development; Secondly, interpersonal generational differences have brought about changes in consumer awareness. The huge blank market provides high growth potential for the electric dining table industry.
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This is the conflict of consumer demand. It is difficult to define the category of electric dining tables based on the original category, and they appear more in a scenario based model, with their own advantages and certain technological barriers. The concept of intelligent electric dining tables has been integrated into "smart homes", and the logic behind it is very logical
电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐(
要做品牌也要做营销,制造产品更需要研发投入,新消费下产生出两种电动餐桌行业的增长路径,电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐桌一种是许多实干品牌开始以“网红”产品发力,融入“国潮”、“黑科技”、“大健康”等概念,赚足眼球,锁定一群“灯塔客户”,基于客户的偏好、提升产品的功能价值与情绪价值,电动餐桌以品牌年轻化来触达市场,进而再做产品迭代。还有一种则是渠道为王,通过大量广告的精准投放与精准消费者互动,获得高知名度后再培养美誉度与用户忠诚度,许多国产设计师家具品牌就是如此打法。
To be a brand, we also need to do marketing. Manufacturing products need more investment in research and development. Under the new consumption, there are two growth paths for the electric dining table industry. One is that many practical brands start to use "online celebrity" products, integrate the concepts of "China-Chic", "black technology", "big health", etc., earn enough attention, target a group of "beacon customers", and improve the functional value and emotional value of products based on customer preferences, Electric dining tables aim to reach the market through brand rejuvenation and further product iteration. Another approach is to prioritize channels, using a large amount of precise advertising and consumer interaction to gain high visibility and cultivate reputation and user loyalty. Many domestic designer furniture brands adopt this approach.
电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐(
For electric dining table brands, it is necessary to think about how to achieve a comprehensive dynamic balance between brand and marketing. In the era of new consumption in the large market, the role of channel or brand power has changed, and the electric dining table industry still belongs to a high vertical state. If brands want to launch new products or concepts and quickly emerge, they must quickly scale up offline. In the future, "experience+" will be grafted into a large number of consumption scenarios.
电动餐桌行业需要面对的一个现实是,传统的大市场、大流通、大单品战略模式仍然是市场主流;电动餐桌品牌当下品牌和营销  餐饮包厢20人位餐桌但同时,数字化时代新基建,给予聚焦新人群的新消费电动餐桌品牌以无限可能。
The reality that the electric dining table industry needs to face is that the traditional large market, large circulation, and large single item strategic model is still the mainstream in the market; But at the same time, the new infrastructure in the digital era provides unlimited possibilities for new consumer electric dining table brands that focus on new audiences.
In the era of the intersection of the big market and new consumption, who can break through the old and innovate in traditional electric dining table brands, evolve towards giants that overturn the track, and who truly enters the market.
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