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电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅详情
电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅
2024-02-24 09:24 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅桌的旋转
The potential of the electric dining table market is expected to be unleashed
有企业负责人就认为,过去部分热点城市房价涨幅太快,电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅桌的旋转导致购房人承担的压力太大,zui终也影响到了后续的电动餐桌消费投
Some business leaders believe that the rapid increase in housing prices in some hot cities in the past has led to too much pressure on homebuyers, ultimately affecting the subsequent investment in electric dining table consumption

However, with the implementation of new policies, the future trend of housing prices is expected to remain stable. As long as this trend continues, consumer purchasing pressure will gradually decrease, and the investment in electric dining tables will also increase in the future.

另一方面,现在国家倡导“住有所居”,为推行这一政策,则意味着在商品房之外,电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅桌的旋转国家还会为居民提供更多的居住空间,而按照标准,这类人群很多都是无法承担商品房价格的群体。
On the other hand, the government now advocates for "housing for all". To implement this policy, it means that in addition to commercial housing, the government will also provide more living space for residents. According to standards, many of these groups are unable to afford the price of commercial housing.

Once this market is opened up, it invisibly increases market demand for downstream industries. In the electric dining table industry, it means there will be greater consumer demand.
北京一家具品牌负责人就强调,“本来这块需求是很难产生的,电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅桌的旋转但是因为国家政策出台了,更多的人有了住房,既然住进去,肯定就得买电动餐桌,电动餐桌市场实际上无形中放大了。”
The head of a furniture brand in Beijing emphasized, "Originally, this demand was difficult to generate, but due to the introduction of national policies, more people have housing. Since they move in, they will definitely have to buy electric dining tables. The electric dining table market has actually been invisibly enlarged."

In the view of this enterprise leader, this change is also in line with the policy guidance of the country to boost domestic demand. The real demand released by upstream real estate will comprehensively drive the development of downstream industries, including many industries such as the electric dining table industry, which will benefit.
“国家一方面在引导房地产行业回归健康发展,一方面则在积ji提振消费,电动餐桌市场潜力有望被释放 电动机驱动火锅桌的旋转包括近年来各大银行推出的类似‘装修贷’产品等等,都显示出对于电动餐桌消费市场的重视。”
"On the one hand, the country is guiding the real estate industry to return to healthy development, and on the other hand, it is actively boosting consumption, including the launch of similar 'decoration loans' products by major banks in recent years, all of which demonstrate the importance of the electric dining table consumption market."