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电动餐桌餐饮家具 3m圆形餐桌价格详情

电动餐桌餐饮家具 3m圆形餐桌价格

2024-02-21 09:32 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格

While most electric dining table companies are facing difficulties, some small and medium-sized enterprises are still in the upward stage.
另外一些在公众视野之外的电动餐桌公司,因为重视设计,重视成本控制,电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格或有DU家技术,或者在品牌打造方面有有效方法,或者在销售方面有成熟队伍,或者在发现新的市场变化方面有先见之明,都取得了不错的效益。
Other electric dining table companies outside the public eye have achieved good results due to their emphasis on design, cost control, expertise in brand building, mature sales teams, or foresight in discovering new market changes.
The electric dining table enterprise JUE is not completely annihilated, but rather uses their own strengths to gradually form their own TE color, or adheres to market share, or steadily develops. Being in rapid development is not an exception.

电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格(

在电动餐桌企业海洋中,有少数出色的企业,并不奇怪。自由竞争的家具市场,电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格一向就是中小企业发挥所长的竞技场,少数出色的企业脱颖而出,成长为大型企业。与此同时,大型企业很难对有TE色的中小企业真正形成挤压。主要的原因是家具市场太大了,所谓的大型企业,跟其它行业相比,也不算真的大。中小企业多数不是被同行逼出市场,而是市场需求不足,需求萎缩,较早被市场淘汰。
It is not surprising that there are a few outstanding companies in the electric dining table industry. The freely competitive furniture market has always been a arena for small and medium-sized enterprises to leverage their strengths, with a few outstanding enterprises standing out and growing into large enterprises. At the same time, it is difficult for large enterprises to truly squeeze small and medium-sized enterprises with TE color. The main reason is that the furniture market is too large, and so-called large enterprises are not really big compared to other industries. Most small and medium-sized enterprises are not forced out of the market by their peers, but rather due to insufficient market demand, shrinking demand, and being eliminated by the market earlier.

电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格(

Where is the Road for Electric Dining Table Enterprises?
To adapt to the current market environment, electric dining table enterprises must do the following things well
The current furniture market can be considered a brand new market compared to ten years ago.
There will be a replacement generation of consumers in 20 years.
中国仍处在高速发展阶段。文化、社会心理、经济状况、在世界上的相对位置、电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格国际舆论环境等等都在急速变化,由此而形成的消费观也在急速变化。
China is still in a stage of rapid development. Culture, social psychology, economic conditions, relative position in the world, international public opinion environment, and so on are all rapidly changing, and the resulting consumption concept is also rapidly changing.
To adapt to the current market environment, electric dining table enterprises must do the following things well:

电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格(

One is to identify the target consumers and understand their preferences.
In many cases, it's not that the market is shrinking, but rather that consumers' consumption psychology and preferences have changed. Identifying target consumers, catering to their preferences, producing qualified products, and providing corresponding services have always been the correct market development method.
有的公司将目标消费者定位于年轻人,有的公司将目标消费者定位于中产阶层,电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格有的公司将目标定位于高端人士。
Some companies target young people, some target the middle class, and some target high-end individuals.
After targeting the target, it is necessary to steadfastly execute and mobilize all the company's efforts to serve the target consumers.
Only with clear goals and strong actions can we achieve fruitful results.

电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格(

The second is to control product quality and cost.
Under no circumstances can product quality be ignored. A high-quality product is a silent salesperson, whose marketing power is hundreds of times stronger than the salesperson's words.
While ensuring good quality, controlling costs becomes the key to winning.
当下成功企业中,ZUI引人注目的大概就是小米的快速崛起。电动餐桌餐饮家具  3m圆形餐桌价格小米的成功之处就在于其控制产品质量的同时,ZUI大化地控制了成本,在消费者中赢得了口碑。
Among current successful enterprises, the most eye-catching feature of ZUI is probably Xiaomi's rapid rise. The success of Xiaomi lies in its ability to control product quality while also maximizing cost control, earning a reputation among consumers.
Xiaomi's reputation is not gained through advertising, but through the product itself
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