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电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌详情
电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌
2024-02-20 09:11 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌
Four Major Trends in the Future Market of Electric Dining Tables
电动餐桌作为家装中为重要的组成部分行业这几年发展也慢慢的出现改革,目前中国市场从事电动餐桌行业的人数为庞大,市场的改变必然会影响整个行业的运作模式,一成不变的市场并不存在,唯有跟随市场才能做长远生意。电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌关于电动餐桌市场的行业发展突破点是什么,4大核心趋势或成必然。新材料的应用将深刻变革电动餐桌行业纵观电动餐桌行业的发展历程,每一次电动餐桌行业的巨大飞跃都与新材料和工艺技术的运用密不可分。
Electric dining tables, as an important component of home decoration, have gradually undergone reforms in recent years. Currently, the number of people engaged in the electric dining table industry in the Chinese market is large, and changes in the market will inevitably affect the operation mode of the entire industry. There is no fixed market, and only by following the market can long-term business be done. What are the industry development breakthroughs in the electric dining table market, and the four core trends may become inevitable. The application of new materials will profoundly transform the electric dining table industry. Throughout the development process of the electric dining table industry, every huge leap in the industry is inseparable from the application of new materials and process technology.

在漫长的千年时间里,木材、竹子等易于加工的植物性材料成为制作电动餐桌的主要材料,近千年的传统的电动餐桌大多为木质电动餐桌;进入现代,钢铁和合金材料开始进入电动餐桌行业,钢木结构的电动餐桌开始出现,电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌电动餐桌的功能、造型和外观有了许多变化;紧接着以PE、PVC、ABS为代表的高分子材料的大量使用促进了电动餐桌行业的快速迭代,带来了四方面的深刻变化。是杂交新材料的大量出现。
For thousands of years, easily processed plant-based materials such as wood and bamboo have become the main materials for making electric dining tables. The traditional electric dining tables for nearly a thousand years are mostly made of wooden ones; Entering the modern era, steel and alloy materials have begun to enter the electric dining table industry, and electric dining tables with steel and wood structures have emerged. The functions, shapes, and appearance of electric dining tables have undergone many changes; Subsequently, the widespread use of polymer materials represented by PE, PVC, and ABS promoted the rapid iteration of the electric dining table industry, bringing about profound changes in four aspects. It is the emergence of a large number of hybrid new materials.

高分子材料既可以单使用于电动餐桌之中,也可以与其它粉末状物体聚合形成新的材料,例如与木粉、稻壳、秸秆相结合,诞生了木塑材料;与石粉相结合,诞生了石塑材料:与粉煤灰相结合,诞生了碳金材料等等。电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌这些种类繁多的新材料拥有各种各样不尽相同的物理性,在电动餐桌制造尤其是在种环境下使用的种电动餐桌的制造中大显身手。第二是电动餐桌材料从消耗自然资源转变为绿色环保可回收。有高分子材料参与的许多改性新材料都具有可回收利用的属性,一旦电动餐桌不再使用,可以通过破碎变成粉末再重新压制成板材,做成新的电动餐桌。
Polymer materials can be used alone in electric dining tables or polymerized with other powdery objects to form new materials, such as wood powder, rice husks, and straw, giving birth to wood-plastic materials; Combining with stone powder gave birth to stone plastic materials; combining with fly ash gave birth to carbon gold materials, and so on. These diverse new materials possess various physical properties and are particularly effective in the manufacturing of electric dining tables, especially those used in various environments. The second is the transformation of electric dining table materials from consuming natural resources to being environmentally friendly and recyclable. Many modified new materials involving polymer materials have recyclable properties. Once electric dining tables are no longer in use, they can be crushed into powder and then re pressed into boards to create new electric dining tables.

第三是解决困扰电动餐桌界百年的甲醛问题,使得健康零甲醛成为可能。电动餐桌从实木电动餐桌过渡到现代的以密度板电动餐桌为主,密度板由树脂胶粘剂粘合木屑而成,树脂胶粘剂中不可避免的含有甲醛,这些甲醛通过密度板制作的电动餐桌和装修材料散发于居民家中,给人体健康带来大的威胁,成为现代电动餐桌行业挥之不去的噩梦。电动餐桌未来市场的4大趋势 电动转心大圆桌而通过高分子材料结合木屑等粉末制作而成的新型板材,因为高分子材料中不含甲醛,所以这些新材料板材和制作而成的电动餐桌几乎没有甲醛释放,保证了人们的身体健康。第四是将评判电动餐桌优劣的标准从材料价值转变为使用价值。
The third is to solve the formaldehyde problem that has plagued the electric dining table industry for a century, making healthy zero formaldehyde possible. Electric dining tables have transitioned from solid wood electric dining tables to modern ones dominated by density board electric dining tables. Density board is made by bonding wood chips with resin adhesive, which inevitably contains formaldehyde. This formaldehyde is distributed in households through electric dining tables and decoration materials made of density board, posing a great threat to human health and becoming a persistent nightmare in the modern electric dining table industry. The new type of board made by combining polymer materials with wood chips and other powders, because the polymer materials do not contain formaldehyde, these new material boards and electric dining tables made from them almost release no formaldehyde, ensuring people's physical health. The fourth is to shift the criteria for evaluating the quality of electric dining tables from material value to usage value.
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