
佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村

酒店电动餐台材质选用 电动遥控餐桌详情

酒店电动餐台材质选用 电动遥控餐桌

2024-02-18 11:51 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店电动餐台材质选用  电动遥控餐桌

What kind of wood is used for the electric dining table in the hotel

The tree species suitable for making electric dining tables and building materials of solid wood hotels include: red sandalwood, yellow pear, ash, elm, oak, ebony, teak, walnut, cherry, beech, ferruginous wood, korean pine, masson pine, fir, yew, cypress, camphor, birch, water green, etc.
紫檀木:树皮灰绿色,树干多弯曲,取材很小,ji难得到大直径的长树,边材狭;材质致密坚硬,入水即沉;心材鲜红或橘红色,久露空气后变紫红褐色条纹,纹理纤细浮动;有芳香,同时也是名贵药材,用它做成的椅子、沙发还有疗伤的功效。    黄花梨:颜色从浅黄到紫赤,木质坚实、花纹美观,有香味;材料很大,有的案面长达4米,宽600-1000mm,面心可板不拼。
Red sandalwood: the bark is gray-green, the trunk is curved, and the material is very small. It is rare for Ji to get a long tree with large diameter, and the sapwood is narrow; The material is dense and hard, and sinks when it enters the water; The heartwood is bright red or orange, and becomes purplish brown stripes after exposure to air for a long time, with fine and floating texture; It has fragrance and is also a valuable medicinal material. The chairs and sofas made of it also have healing effects. Huanghua Pear: its color ranges from light yellow to purplish red, with solid wood, beautiful patterns and fragrance; The material is very large. Some table faces are 4 meters long and 600-1000 mm wide, and the face center can not be assembled.

酒店电动餐台材质选用  电动遥控餐桌(

Fraxinus mandshurica: The trunk is usually tall and straight, with a height of 25-30 meters, or even more than 35 meters, a diameter of 40-60 cm, and a large diameter of 1 meter. The material is hard and the texture is straight. Beautiful pattern, suitable for making electric dining table of solid wood hotel and planing into wood veneer. The sapwood is yellow and white, and the heartwood is brown and slightly yellow. The wood structure is thick, the texture is straight, and the pattern is glossy.
Fraxinus mandshurica has good elasticity, toughness, wear resistance, moisture and heat resistance and other te points. It is difficult to dry it. To make an electric dining table in a solid wood hotel, it is necessary to strictly control the moisture content, otherwise it is easy to warp. Fraxinus mandshurica has good processing performance, strong nail holding force, good bonding performance, smooth surface, easy to dye, heart wood is not easy to decay, and sapwood has good permeability. It can be used for various electric dining tables, musical instruments, sports equipment, vehicles, ships, machinery, and te building materials.

酒店电动餐台材质选用  电动遥控餐桌(

Elm: the sapwood is dark yellow, the heartwood is dark purple gray, the material is light and hard, the mechanical strength is high, the texture is straight, the structure is thick, and it can be used for electric dining table, decoration, etc. After drying, shaping, carving and painting, the elm can be made into exquisite carved lacquer handicrafts.
There are elm and beech produced in the south; North elm and south beech; It is also known for its wide width, excellent processing performance, low deformation rate and rough carving patterns. The elm is divided into yellow elm and purple elm (black elm). The number of yellow elm is large, and the wood is light yellow when it is cut, and the color gradually deepens over time; The purple elm is naturally black and purple, and the heavy ones are similar to the color of old rosewood.

酒店电动餐台材质选用  电动遥控餐桌(

乌木:兼备木的古雅和石的神韵,有;东方神木;和;植物木乃伊;之称。由地震、洪水、泥石流将地上植物生物等全部埋入古河床等低洼处。埋入淤泥中的部分树木,在缺氧、高压状态下,细菌等微生物的作用下,经长达成千上万年炭化过程形成乌木,故又称;炭化木;。通常说的;乌木;主要有两种,一种是产自于非洲、南亚、东南亚地区的黑色木材,也叫;角乌;,曾产于中国云南和东南亚一带,其外形与紫檀ji为接近,其多数为空心,难出大料。 柚木:柚木油性光亮,材色均一,纹理通直。从纹理来看柚木有明显的墨线(或血筋)和油斑,墨线成直线分布,越细越多,代表油质量越高,品质越好,树龄越大,其密度越高,年轮因压力而 不规则的扭曲,横切之后呈现鬼斧神工般的美丽花纹,细致优美,被行家称为鬼脸。 胡桃木:边材是乳白色,心材从浅棕到深巧克力色,偶尔有紫色和较暗条纹。 可以供应经蒸气处理后边材变深的板材或不经蒸气处理。 树纹一般是直的,有时有波浪形或卷曲树纹,形成赏心悦目的装饰图案。可制作电动餐台、橱柜、建筑内装饰,高级细木工产品。
Ebony: It combines the ancient elegance of wood and the charm of stone; Oriental divine wood; And; Plant mummies; It is called. Earthquakes, floods and debris flows will bury all aboveground plants and organisms in low-lying places such as ancient river beds. Some trees buried in the mud form ebony after carbonization for thousands of years under the action of bacteria and other microorganisms under anoxic and high-pressure conditions, so it is also called ebony; Charcoal wood;. Generally speaking; Ebony; There are mainly two kinds of wood, one is black wood from Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia, also called; Hornet;, It was once produced in Yunnan, China and Southeast Asia. Its shape is similar to that of red sandalwood ji. Most of it is hollow and difficult to produce large materials. Teak: Teak is oily and bright, with uniform wood color and straight texture. Seen from the texture, teak has obvious ink lines (or blood tendons) and oil spots. The ink lines are distributed in a straight line. The thinner the ink lines are, the higher the oil quality is, the better the quality is. The older the tree is, the higher the density is. The annual rings are distorted irregularly due to pressure. After cross-cutting, it presents a beautiful pattern of uncanny craftsmanship, which is exquisite and beautiful. It is called grimace by experts. Walnut: The sapwood is milky white, the heartwood is from light brown to dark chocolate, and occasionally has purple and dark stripes. It can be supplied with panels with deepened sapwood after steam treatment or without steam treatment. The tree pattern is generally straight, sometimes wavy or curly, forming a pleasing decorative pattern. It can be used to produce electric dining tables, cabinets, interior decoration of buildings, and advanced joinery products.
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