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圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取详情
圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取
2023-12-07 08:49 作者:岳灵峰总厂

圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取胜
The era of huge profits in the electric dining table market has passed
电动餐桌行业经过这几年年的发展,暴利时代早已成为过去,圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取胜随着劳动成本的上升、原材料涨价等等因素,电动餐桌行业已进入微利时代,面对激烈的行业竞争,电动餐桌电动餐桌企业只有更注重低碳环保和品牌形象的维护,以质量和实力取胜才能在不断发展的行业变化中取胜。
After years of development, the era of excessive profits in the electric dining table industry has long been a thing of the past. With the rise of labor costs, raw material prices, and other factors, the electric dining table industry has entered the era of meager profits. Faced with fierce industry competition, electric dining table enterprises must pay more attention to low-carbon environmental protection and brand image maintenance, and win with quality and strength in order to win in the constantly developing industry changes.

市场暴利时代已过 电动餐桌电动餐桌企业需以产品质量取胜
The era of market profits has passed, and electric dining tables. Electric dining table companies need to win with product quality
电动餐桌行业将由单纯追求产能规模的扩张转向追求质量的效益提升,圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取胜由原材料制造业为主转变为加工制品为主,由从对国外先进技术的模仿跟进转向自主创新,由粗放式无序管理正在转向规范有序的竞争。
The electric dining table industry will shift from simply pursuing the expansion of production capacity to pursuing the improvement of quality and efficiency, from focusing on raw material manufacturing to processing products, from imitating and following advanced foreign technologies to independent innovation, and from extensive and disorderly management to standardized and orderly competition.

然而,针对我国目前家居电动餐桌行业的现状,圆餐桌选择 电动餐桌市场 企业需以产品质量取胜电动餐桌家居企业要想在未来的市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须实现产品质量不断提升,能源和原材料消耗逐年下降,各种新型电动餐桌不断涌现,电动餐桌产品不断升级换代。企业只有更注重低碳环保和品牌形象的维护,以质量和实力取胜才能在不断发展的行业变化中取胜。面对激烈的行业竞争,企业在历经大浪淘沙后一定是“剩”者为王。
However, in response to the current situation of China's home electric dining table industry, in order for electric dining table home enterprises to stand invincible in future market competition, they must continuously improve product quality, reduce energy and raw material consumption year by year, and constantly emerge various new types of electric dining tables. Electric dining table products are constantly upgraded and replaced. Only by paying more attention to low-carbon environmental protection and maintaining brand image, and winning with quality and strength, can enterprises win in the constantly evolving industry changes. In the face of fierce industry competition, enterprises must be the "leftover" after experiencing great challenges.