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岩板电动餐桌 酒店家具的保养知识详情
岩板电动餐桌 酒店家具的保养知识
2023-12-02 13:56 作者:岳灵峰总厂

岩板电动餐桌 酒店家具的保养知识
[Hotel Furniture] Maintenance Knowledge of Wooden Furniture
In fact, as we mentioned in the previous article, current hotel furniture has certain similarities with other furniture in terms of production, design, style, and overall type;

其实酒店家具与其他的家具行业保养也是差不多的;岩板电动餐桌 酒店家具的保养知识不过酒店家具保养与维护性要高非常多的!木质家具的保养跟其他木质家具有和不同呢?那木质家具的保养又是怎样的呢?
In fact, the maintenance of hotel furniture is similar to that of other furniture industries; However, the maintenance and upkeep of hotel furniture are much higher! Is the maintenance of wooden furniture different from other wooden furniture? What about the maintenance of wooden furniture?

木质家具-酒店家具家具木质家具保养关键的就是保养清洁,岩板电动餐桌 酒店家具的保养知识避免锐器刮花,对于顽固污渍可用清洁剂擦拭表面。摆放时,为防止油漆氧化请避免阳光直射,为防止家具结构损坏请避免超负荷使用。当需要移动时尽量不要拖动以免损坏油漆表面。
Wooden Furniture - The key to maintaining wooden furniture in hotels is to maintain cleanliness and avoid sharp scratches. For stubborn stains, cleaning agents can be used to wipe the surface. When placing, to prevent paint oxidation, please avoid direct sunlight, and to prevent structural damage to furniture, please avoid overloading. Try not to drag when moving to avoid damaging the paint surface.
>>>Recommended reading: The care of wooden hotel furniture, no matter how we maintain it, is to share and beautify the entire room with the hotel furniture!