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对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌详情
对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌
2023-12-02 11:53 作者:岳灵峰总厂

对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌
Understanding of Hotel Furniture Care Agents
对于大型的酒店来说酒店家具的日常护理他们都会用到护理剂,对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌 因为护理剂主要针对木质家具和一些名贵品牌护理,使用护理剂能够减少对家具的损伤及保持。在常见的酒店家具护理剂中使用的有两种:清洁保养剂与护理喷蜡。
For large hotels, they use care agents for the daily care of hotel furniture, as care agents are mainly aimed at wooden furniture and some expensive brands. The use of care agents can reduce damage to furniture and maintain it. There are two common types of hotel furniture care agents used: cleaning and maintenance agents and care spray wax.

酒店家具清洁保养剂:主要针对的是木制、玻璃、合成木或美耐板等材质的家具日常维护保养,别适合混合型的材料酒店家具。当然清洁保养剂的点是快捷方便,能为我们在日常维护保养中节省一部分时间。对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌护理喷蜡:主要针对的是各种木质、聚酯、油漆、防火胶板等材质的家具能够完美的解决关我们日常保养,护理喷蜡主要点是彻底的解决家具清洁及保养一体解决。
Hotel furniture cleaning and maintenance agent: mainly aimed at the daily maintenance of furniture made of wood, glass, synthetic wood, or MDF, and is not suitable for mixed materials of hotel furniture. Of course, cleaning and maintenance agents are fast and convenient, which can save us some time in daily maintenance. Care spray wax: mainly aimed at furniture made of various materials such as wood, polyester, paint, fire-resistant plywood, etc. It can perfectly solve our daily maintenance problems. The main point of care spray wax is to thoroughly solve the problem of furniture cleaning and maintenance.

护理喷蜡有茉莉和柠檬两种不同的清新香味,对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌我们在挑选的时候可以根据酒店及客户的需求进行使用,可以在一定基础上压制一些家具及涂漆的异味,且对人体没有伤害。护理剂使用时注意点:无论是清洁保养剂还是护理喷蜡我们子啊使用之前一定要稍微的摇均匀,是里面的剂能够均匀。
Nursing spray wax has two different fresh fragrances, jasmine and lemon. When selecting, we can use it according to the needs of the hotel and customers. It can suppress the odor of furniture and paint on a certain basis, and it does not harm the human body. When using care agents, pay attention to the following points: whether it is cleaning and maintenance agents or care spray wax, we must shake it slightly evenly before use to ensure that the agent inside is evenly distributed.

使用的时候一定要注意操作角度直握喷雾罐,呈45度角,让罐内的液体成分能在不失压力的状态下被完全释放出来。对于家具进行碰射的时候一定要把握好距离,常见的距离一般是在15-17厘米之间不要太过于接近防止过多的浪费。对于酒店家具护理 实木定制餐桌注意我们在碰射之后一定要用干净的抹布进行清理保持,不要用已经有污垢的抹布去操作这样会导致我们前面的工作完全无效。>>>推荐阅读:岚慧酒店家具分享常见保洁方法而我们在使用护理剂对布质的家具清理的时候(艺沙发,休闲靠垫等),一定要用吸尘器讲灰与杂物清理干净。我们吸收完灰尘之后还是需要用干净抹布进行处理。
When using, be sure to hold the spray tank at a 45 degree angle, so that the liquid components in the tank can be completely released without losing pressure. When colliding with furniture, it is important to control the distance. The common distance is generally between 15-17 centimeters and should not be too close to prevent excessive waste. Please note that we must use a clean cloth to clean and maintain after the collision, and do not use a cloth that is already dirty to operate. This will cause our previous work to be completely ineffective Recommended reading: Lanhui Hotel Furniture shares common cleaning methods. When using care agents to clean fabric furniture (such as art sofas, leisure cushions, etc.), be sure to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris. After absorbing the dust, we still need to use a clean cloth for treatment.