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电动餐桌厂家批发 酒店家具日常保养方式详情
电动餐桌厂家批发 酒店家具日常保养方式
2023-12-02 11:43 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌厂家批发 酒店家具日常保养方式
Daily Maintenance Methods for Lanhui Hotel Furniture
Foshan Lanhui Hotel Furniture shares with you about the maintenance of hotel furniture. 1. You can use a brush or vacuum cleaner to clean rattan hotel furniture.

2..佛山岚慧酒店家具使用时间长如果有积垢,电动餐桌厂家批发 酒店家具日常保养方式好用盐水擦洗,不仅能去污,还可使藤条柔软,富有弹性。酒店家具
If there is scaling on the furniture of Foshan Lanhui Hotel after a long period of use, it is easy to use salt water to scrub it. Not only can it remove dirt, but it can also make the rattan soft and elastic. Hotel furniture

3. Normally, you can use a damp cloth and a soft cleaning agent to scrub. Furniture at Foshan Lanhui Hotel
4. Avoid placing it next to the heating pipe, as the bonding area may become dry or weak due to heat.

5.佛山岚慧酒店家具避免阳光直射,电动餐桌厂家批发 酒店家具日常保养方式以防藤料褪色、变干。做好日常酒店家具的维护与保养,这样才能保证酒店家具的耐用及使用寿命,同时也是对家具的清洁,对使用的客人的一种尊敬与礼貌。>>>推荐阅读:酒店家具日常保养:防水防潮
5. The furniture of Foshan Lanhui Hotel should be kept away from direct sunlight to prevent the rattan material from fading and drying. Proper maintenance and upkeep of hotel furniture is essential to ensure its durability and longevity, as well as to maintain its cleanliness and show respect and courtesy to guests Recommended reading: Daily maintenance of hotel furniture: Waterproof and moisture-proof