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家用自动圆餐桌价格 酒店餐桌批发市场详情

家用自动圆餐桌价格 酒店餐桌批发市场

2023-12-02 09:18 作者:岳灵峰总厂


家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场

Hotel Dining Table Wholesale Market Home Automatic Round Table Prices 

近年来中国经济的快速发展,为酒店、餐饮业带来了新的机遇。2007年,中国的星级酒店已达8000多家,营业总收入80多亿元。餐饮业经营网点380多万家,营业额4500亿元。这必将加大酒店家具的需求,家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场为酒店家具业提供广阔的市场前景。随着全球金融危机的爆发,我国酒店家具行业普遍出现了经营不景气和利润下降的局面。我国的酒店家具行业亟待进行结构调整,实现产业升级。
In recent years, the rapid development of the Chinese economy has brought new opportunities to the hotel and catering industries. In 2007, there were over 8000 star rated hotels in China, with a total revenue of over 8 billion yuan. There are over 3.8 million catering business outlets with a turnover of 450 billion yuan. This will inevitably increase the demand for hotel furniture and provide broad market prospects for the hotel furniture industry. With the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the hotel furniture industry in China has generally experienced a situation of sluggish operation and declining profits. The hotel furniture industry in China urgently needs structural adjustment and industrial upgrading.

家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场(

中国电子商务近年来呈快速增长发展,而且消费市场十分的庞大,一方面是因为网络的铺盖程度越来越高,消费趋向网络性愈发明显;另一方面是因为传统的销售渠道存在很多管理、购买模式上的弱点。电子商务时代的来临,给压力重重的酒店家具行业带来了曙光,迎来了酒店家具行业发展的“第二春”,或者说,酒店家具行业的电子商务时代也已经到来,家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场越来越多的酒店家具企业开始运用互联网进行品牌推广、网络营销,品牌广告等。成都泰鸿鑫家具有限公司作为国内首家酒店家具行业的专业性门户网站,致力于打造成为酒店家具企业、商业空间装饰企业、商业空间设计机构及相关团体提供一个与消费品品牌企业直接沟通、联系、服务的电子商务平台。
In recent years, China's e-commerce has shown rapid growth and development, and the consumer market is very large. On the one hand, this is because the coverage of the internet is increasing, and the trend of consumption towards network is becoming more and more obvious; On the other hand, traditional sales channels have many weaknesses in management and purchasing models. The advent of the e-commerce era has brought dawn to the heavily stressed hotel furniture industry, ushering in a new era of development for the hotel furniture industry; The second spring;, Or rather, the e-commerce era in the hotel furniture industry has also arrived, and more and more hotel furniture companies are using the Internet for brand promotion, online marketing, brand advertising, and so on. Chengdu Taihongxin Furniture Co., Ltd., as the first professional portal website in the hotel furniture industry in China, is committed to becoming an e-commerce platform for hotel furniture enterprises, commercial space decoration enterprises, commercial space design institutions, and related groups to provide direct communication, contact, and service with consumer goods brand enterprises.

家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场(

致力于为酒店家具行业客户提供企业品牌,文化、市场、产品、服务、宣传推广、信息咨询、技术培训、人才招聘、资源下载等全方位“一站式”服务。成都泰鸿鑫家具有限公司在酒店家具行业内率先将B2B电子商务融入到酒店家具行业中,通过电子商务开拓网络市场,打破传统商业模式的局限性,为家具行业提供“行业资讯+电子商务”一体化平台服务模式,家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场吸引了数万家家具企业的追捧。这种全新的商业运作模式不受时间和空间限制,可节省大量成本,而且可以争取到更多订单,因此成为众多酒店家具企业的首选商务贸易平台。成都泰鸿鑫家具有限公司提供大量家具行业资讯、设计图库、培训学习资讯、产业咨询研究报告,同时为会员企业提供品牌招商加盟、供求、代理、合作、人才招聘等服务。
Dedicated to providing corporate brand, culture, market, products, services, promotion, information consulting, technical training, talent recruitment, resource downloading, and other comprehensive services for customers in the hotel furniture industry; One stop shop; Service. Chengdu Taihongxin Furniture Co., Ltd. is the first in the hotel furniture industry to integrate B2B e-commerce into the hotel furniture industry. Through e-commerce, it expands the online market, breaks the limitations of traditional business models, and provides the furniture industry with; Industry news+e-commerce; The integrated platform service model has attracted the pursuit of tens of thousands of furniture enterprises. This new business operation model is not limited by time and space, can save a lot of costs, and can win more orders, making it the preferred business and trade platform for many hotel furniture enterprises. Chengdu Taihongxin Furniture Co., Ltd. provides a large amount of furniture industry information, design library, training and learning information, industry consulting and research reports. At the same time, it provides member enterprises with brand investment and franchise, supply and demand, agency, cooperation, talent recruitment and other services.

家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场(

这种专业化的第三方行业B2B平台,由于不需要企业太多投入,大大降低了电子商务的门槛。重要的是将面向上游的供应商的采购业务和下游代理商的销售业务都有机地联系在一起,从而降低彼此之间的交易成本,提高满意度。家用自动圆餐桌价格   酒店餐桌批发市场B2B电子商务模式,无论在交易额和交易领域的覆盖上,其规模比起B2C电子商务来都更为可观,意义影响更深远。成都泰鸿鑫家具有限公司敢为行业先,将B2B电子商务率先应用到酒店家具行业中,帮助中小型企业成功开拓市场,以专业服务引导行业发展,全心全意满足客户需求,赢得了广大企业用户的信赖和支持!
This specialized third-party industry B2B platform greatly reduces the threshold for e-commerce as it does not require too much investment from enterprises. It is important to organically link the procurement business of upstream suppliers and the sales business of downstream agents, in order to reduce transaction costs between each other and improve satisfaction. The B2B e-commerce model, in terms of transaction volume and coverage of transaction fields, has a more significant scale and far-reaching significance compared to B2C e-commerce. Chengdu Taihongxin Furniture Co., Ltd. dares to take the lead in the industry by applying B2B e-commerce to the hotel furniture industry, helping small and medium-sized enterprises successfully explore the market, guiding industry development with professional services, wholeheartedly meeting customer needs, and winning the trust and support of a large number of enterprise users!
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