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中式实木电动桌 电动餐台详情
中式实木电动桌 电动餐台
2023-12-02 09:03 作者:岳灵峰总厂

中式实木电动桌 电动餐台
Chinese style solid wood electric table electric dining table has embarked
The market potential of the light luxury new Chinese style is the gradual return of traditional culture, and the new Chinese style electric dining table has quickly attracted people's attention due to its strong ethnic cultural characteristics, which can demonstrate the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.
人性化的设计新中式电动餐台与传统中式电动餐台比较而言,中式实木电动桌 电动餐台融入了科学的人体工程学设计,让使用舒适度大大提升,不仅如此,在功能上也与时俱进,如一些品牌还将古色古香的红木做成了整套橱桌,橱桌里功能齐全留有各种电器的位置,满足时尚人群的更多需求。
Compared with traditional Chinese electric dining tables, the humanized design of the new Chinese electric dining table incorporates scientific ergonomic design, greatly improving the comfort of use. Not only that, but it also keeps up with the times in terms of functionality. For example, some brands have also made the entire set of cabinets and tables out of antique mahogany, with fully functional cabinets and tables reserved for various electrical appliances to meet the more needs of the fashionable crowd.

A study on taste differentiation has found that the middle class now hopes to distinguish themselves from the "wealthy" and "nouveau riche" in the consumption field, and more pursue low-key luxury with quality and culture. The emergence of "light" is so timely and timely for them.
崇尚自然,健康环保成主流今年的雾霾席卷了大半个中国,中式实木电动桌 电动餐台国家也是下定决心进行整治,所以我们看到了一波不合格企业的倒闭潮。环境保护的理念日益深入人心。
Advocating nature and promoting health and environmental protection have become the mainstream. This year, the haze has swept through most of China, and the country is also determined to rectify it. Therefore, we have seen a wave of unqualified enterprises going bankrupt. The concept of environmental protection is increasingly ingrained in people's hearts.

追求健康环保,崇尚自然成为主流的趋势。中式实木电动桌 电动餐台年轻一代的崛起2021年,大的90后已经31岁了,他们正逐渐成为社会的中间力量,也到了成家立业的年龄,新兴家庭的建立对电动餐台行业而言就意味着市场。
Pursuing health and environmental protection, and advocating nature have become the mainstream trend. The rise of the younger generation in 2021, with the older generation of the 90s already 31 years old, gradually becoming the middle force of society and reaching the age of starting a family and starting a business. The establishment of emerging families means the market for the electric dining table industry.
However, the younger generation who pursue individuality and taste, their values and aesthetics, are no longer sufficient for the traditional electric dining table industry, which has created huge market demand.
Of course, facing the changes in demand ports, many electric dining table enterprises are undergoing a new era of transformation and upgrading. they

设计与创新未来无论市场的潜力如何,中式实木电动桌 电动餐台没有好的设计依然不能引人注目,无设计不生活,对于年轻一代来说更是如此。中国是一个正在崛起的大国,经济的发展带来的物质浪潮,使得人们开始追求精神的回归。
Design and Innovation In the future, regardless of the market potential, without good design, one cannot stand out. Without design, one cannot live, especially for the younger generation. China is a rising power, and the material wave brought about by economic development has led people to pursue a spiritual return.