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电动餐桌选购你更重视什么 大餐桌厂家详情

电动餐桌选购你更重视什么 大餐桌厂家

2023-12-02 08:48 作者:岳灵峰总厂


电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家

What do you value more when choosing an electric dining table

Before choosing an electric dining table, you need to first determine your future home style; After determining the style, consider which material to choose for an electric dining table. Generally, it is a Chinese style solid wood electric table, a European style leather electric table, or a modern fabric art.

电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家(

舒适感:实木电动桌电动餐桌夏天坐时不会有热的感觉,电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家布艺电动餐桌冬天坐着暖和,皮电动餐桌就会显得休闲大方。不同的年龄习惯适合不同材质的电动餐桌,一般太软或太硬都是不舒适的;老人腰不好习惯坐硬朗的实木电动桌,布艺、皮电动餐桌可能会坐不习惯。
Comfort: Solid wood electric table electric dining table does not feel hot when sitting in summer, fabric electric dining table is warm when sitting in winter, and leather electric dining table will appear casual and generous. Different age habits are suitable for electric dining tables made of different materials. Generally, being too soft or too hard is uncomfortable; Elderly people with poor waist habits may not be accustomed to sitting on sturdy solid wood electric tables, while fabric and leather electric dining tables may not be suitable for sitting.

电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家(

耐用度:长远来看,实木电动桌是耐用的;皮革易磨损,电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家用几年就要更换;而布艺电动餐桌久了会很脏,而且由于价格较低,内部的结构稳定性较差。
Durability: In the long run, solid wood electric tables are durable; Leather is prone to wear and tear, requiring replacement after a few years of use; The fabric electric dining table can become very dirty over time, and due to its lower price, the internal structural stability is poor.
Clean and not easy to get dirty/maintain: Solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables are relatively easy to maintain, while leather electric dining tables and fabric electric dining tables are easy to get dirty and not easy to maintain.

电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家(

Price: Generally, solid wood electric tables and leather electric dining tables are relatively expensive, often costing tens of thousands; And fabric is more affordable, you can buy it for two to three thousand yuan. Unit size: It should be recommended that consumers determine the layout size of the electric dining table before purchasing, to avoid buying too large or too small.
现在买的商品房一般都是小户型,比较适合布艺电动餐桌。电动餐桌选购你更重视什么  大餐桌厂家当然还要考虑楼梯、电梯尺寸,别买了壕的电动餐桌搬不上楼。如果家有小孩,实木电动桌的电动餐桌容易碰撞,确实要买实木电动桌的话,要选棱角圆滑的,避免小孩撞伤。
The commodity houses purchased now are generally small units, which are more suitable for fabric electric dining tables. Of course, we also need to consider the size of stairs and elevators. Don't buy an electric dining table with a trench and it won't take you upstairs. If you have children at home, the electric dining table of a solid wood electric table is prone to collision. If you really want to buy a solid wood electric table, you should choose a one with smooth edges and corners to prevent children from getting hurt.
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