
佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村

电动圆桌批发 佛山电动餐台价格及图片详情

电动圆桌批发 佛山电动餐台价格及图片

2023-12-01 14:20 作者:岳灵峰总厂


电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片

Wholesale price and pictures of Foshan electric dining tables for electric round tables

随着七月的到来南方的梅雨季也进入为严重的时刻,电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片家里的湿变得很重,这时候不仅人体会感到不适,就连你心爱的实木电动桌电动餐台也是苦不堪言啊。例如实木电动桌电动餐台就比较容易受潮的侵袭,木材遇湿容易膨胀发霉。
With the arrival of July, the rainy season in the south has also entered a severe period, and the humidity at home has become very heavy. At this time, not only will the human body feel uncomfortable, but even your beloved solid wood electric table electric dining table is also unbearable. For example, solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables are more susceptible to moisture invasion, and wood is prone to swelling and mold when wet.

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因此,雨季应将实木电动桌电动餐台靠墙部分距离墙面1公分左右摆放,以免在潮湿季节吸收过多的湿。电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片此外,应定期为电动餐台打蜡,每隔6-12个月,用专用的电动餐台膏状蜡为电动餐台上一层蜡。
Therefore, during the rainy season, the solid wood electric table and electric dining table should be placed about 1 cm away from the wall to avoid absorbing too much moisture during the wet season. In addition, electric dining tables should be regularly waxed, with a special layer of electric dining table paste wax applied every 6-12 months.

电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片(

而在上蜡之前,应用较温和的非碱性肥皂水将旧蜡抹除。电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片如果遇到实木电动桌电动餐台发霉的情况,可先用干净软布蘸点中性清洁剂或电动餐台专用清洁剂清除。
Before waxing, the old wax should be wiped off with mild non alkaline soap water. If you encounter mold on the electric dining table of a solid wood electric table, you can first use a clean soft cloth dipped in a neutral cleaner or a special cleaning agent for the electric dining table to remove it.

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Then gently apply a layer of electric dining table wax or electric dining table specific essential oil to the moldy area, and place a piece of soap or a gauze bag filled with dried tea leaves in the area with a moldy smell to help eliminate the moldy smell.
岳灵峰电动餐桌厂笔者提示您,梅雨季节无论是家中的实木电动桌电动餐台还是电动餐台上用品,电动圆桌批发    佛山电动餐台价格及图片都会直接影响家人的健康,请在保持室内通风的情况下,对家居用品进行保养与晾晒。
The author of Yuelingfeng Electric Dining Table Factory reminds you that during the rainy season, whether it is the solid wood electric table or the electric tabletop items at home, they will directly affect the health of your family. Please maintain indoor ventilation and air dry the household items.
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