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识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌详情
识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌
2023-12-01 11:12 作者:岳灵峰总厂

识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌
Identifying Veneer Hotel Furniture
识别贴皮酒店家具,家具包镶贴皮是清末出现的一种新的工艺,如杉木上贴皮做仿红木酒店家具,或使用黄花梨、紫檀贴在一般的红木材料上,将桌椅面子连拐弯处都包得很到位,天衣无缝,体现当时匠人ji高的工艺水平,这是不能否认的。而近年市场上出现了一些使用贴皮手法制作而当红木的实木酒店家具卖,我们就得当心了。识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌中医瞧病有‘望闻问切”的诊断方法,笔者也有五种从经验中总结出来的识别贴皮酒店家具的方法,件各位同好参考。
Identifying veneer hotel furniture, furniture packaging veneer is a new technique that emerged in the late Qing Dynasty. For example, veneer is applied to cedar wood to imitate redwood hotel furniture, or yellow pear and purple sandalwood are applied to ordinary redwood materials to wrap the surfaces of tables and chairs perfectly, seamlessly, reflecting the high level of craftsmanship of the craftsmen at that time. This cannot be denied. In recent years, there have been some solid wood hotel furniture made using veneer techniques in the market, and when selling mahogany, we need to be careful. Traditional Chinese Medicine has its advantages in treating diseases; Looking, smelling, questioning, and cutting; There are also five diagnostic methods that the author has summarized from experience to identify veneer hotel furniture, which are helpful for everyone to refer to.

一看纹在实木酒店家具上的贴皮,不会全部贴皮,一般大边、抹头使真料,线形复杂的部件是真材,通常贴皮会使在面芯板,而且正反两面都要贴皮,但是木材的纹理走向两面不可能完全对准一致。这样通过仔细分辨木纹,我们总可以看出其中的破绽。二闻味酒店家具贴皮,必然要使胶,从中我们也有招识别。传统的贴皮工艺使用猪膘胶,识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌为什么使猪膘胶呢?因皮时会起泡出皱,用猪膘胶,可以把空气赶出去,拿烙铁一熨就非常平,而一般化工胶做不到。识别猪膘胶,可以用手使劲摩擦,把表面磨热了,拿鼻子一闻,有股臭腥味。如果不用猪缥胶,而是有些化工胶的替代品,用此方法应该也能闻到化学气味。
At first glance, the veneer on the furniture of the redwood hotel may not be fully veneer. Generally, the large edges and trowels are made of real material, while the components with complex shapes are made of real material. Usually, veneer is applied to the surface core board, and both sides need to be veneer. However, the texture of the wood cannot be completely aligned on both sides. By carefully distinguishing the wood grain, we can always see the flaws in it. When pasting furniture in a two smell hotel, it is necessary to use glue, and we also have a way to identify it. Why does the traditional skin pasting process use pig fat glue? Due to the blistering and wrinkling of the skin, using pig fat glue can expel the air and flatten it with a soldering iron, which is not possible with general chemical glue. To identify pig fat glue, you can rub it hard with your hands to heat up the surface. Take a nose and smell it, there is a foul odor. If you don't use pigsty glue, but instead substitute some chemical glue, you should also be able to smell the chemical odor using this method.

如果上漆,闻味之法就不灵了,不过可以闻背面,往往面芯板正面做漆而背面不做。三观面贴皮酒店家具不烫蜡,因为烫蜡会使贴皮的地方起鼓起泡。一般就用蜡或核桃油薄薄擦一层,或者上漆。识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌四听声红木贴皮酒店家具,不会使太好的木头,往往使用密度较低的花梨、酸枝木(白酸枝、花枝)等,通过敲击时的声音可以来区分。
If painted, the method of smelling is ineffective, but you can smell the back. Often, the front of the surface core board is painted while the back is not painted. Hotel furniture with three sided veneers should not be waxed, as waxing can cause blistering on the veneered area. Usually, a thin layer of wax or walnut oil is applied or painted. Four tone mahogany veneer hotel furniture often uses low-density rosewood, sourwood (such as white sourwood and flower branches), and can be distinguished by the sound of tapping.

一般密度大的红木有堂音,就是有嗡声嗡气的回音,如同现在手机的铃音有和弦,是一种悦耳的脆音;而密度低的红木,如花梨敲起来就仅仅是很脆的“啪啪啪”的声音。五抚摸用手摸酒店家具的表面判断温度的变化,也是识别木材密度的一种方法。识别贴皮酒店家具 餐厅电动桌一般木材密度大传热就快,触摸的一瞬间会感觉比较凉;相比密度较小的木材传热慢,手感温度也较高。
Generally, redwood with high density has a hall sound, which is an echo with a buzzing sound, just like the ringtone of a mobile phone now has a chord, which is a pleasant and crisp sound; And low-density redwood, such as pear, is only very crispy when knocked out; Pa Pa Pa Pa” The sound of. Five strokes are used to touch the surface of hotel furniture to determine temperature changes, which is also a method of identifying wood density. Generally, wood with high density can quickly transfer heat and feel cooler when touched; Compared to wood with lower density, it has slower heat transfer and higher tactile temperature.