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定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌详情
定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌
2023-12-01 08:59 作者:岳灵峰总厂

定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌
Development Trends of Customized Hotel Fixed Furniture
时下消费者对个性化消费的需求,促使商品定制时代的到来。 “定制”是一场商业革命,它不仅仅是简单的服务升级,而是真正实现“我的消费我做主”的一种全新购物方式。定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌定制行业呈现火热之势:定制钻戒、定制婚纱、定制酒水、定制手表、定制餐具等等。据调查数据显示,当前有80%以上的消费者表示,家装时会选择定制化家居,满足个性化家装需求。
The current demand for personalized consumption among consumers has led to the arrival of the era of product customization& Ldquo; Customization; It is a business revolution, not just a simple service upgrade, but a true realization of&quo; My consumption is my own decision; A brand new way of shopping. The customization industry is showing a hot trend: customized diamond rings, customized wedding dresses, customized drinks, customized watches, customized tableware, and so on. According to survey data, more than 80% of consumers currently indicate that they will choose customized homes to meet their personalized home decoration needs.

那么,今天就以定制酒店固装家具中的衣柜为例,从以下六点来讲讲定制酒店固装家具与传统家具的根本区别吧。 1制作工艺:定制酒店固装家具更先进 现场打制家具,是木工实地测量后用木工板拼装制成的,家具表面及边缘进行手工处理,定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌柜子的连接多以钉子为主,打孔往往不准确,时间长了钉子容易松动,出现钉眼。为关键的家具的封边处理多为手工封边,密合度及精细度都欠佳。
So, today, taking the wardrobe in customized hotel fixed furniture as an example, let's talk about the fundamental differences between customized hotel fixed furniture and traditional furniture from the following six points. 1. Production process: Customized hotel fixed furniture is more advanced. On site furniture is made by carpenters who measure the furniture on site and assemble it with wooden boards. The surface and edges of the furniture are manually treated. The connection of the cabinets is mainly made of nails, and the punching is often inaccurate. Over time, the nails are prone to loosening, resulting in nail holes. The edge sealing treatment for key furniture is mostly manual, with poor sealing and precision.

2使用功能:定制酒店固装家具更胜一筹 现场打制的衣柜区域划分简单,功能比较单一,仅能满足简单存放功能。而整体衣柜使用隔板拼接,每个家居环境不同,衣柜款式不同,更能根据个人不同需求去设计衣柜内部格局。定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌无论是DIY还是配套组合,或是结合科技元素,充分体现定制衣柜的风格多样化。
2 usage functions: Customized hotel fixed furniture is superior to on-site wardrobe area division, with relatively simple functions, only able to meet simple storage needs. The overall wardrobe uses partition splicing, and each home environment and wardrobe style are different, which can better design the internal layout of the wardrobe according to individual needs. Whether it's DIY or matching combinations, or combining technological elements, it fully embodies the diverse styles of customized wardrobes.

3环保指数:整体衣柜板材健康环保 木工打衣柜所用的板材很难达到环保标准,加之后期的油漆工序,环保系数必然降低。而整体衣柜大都采用实木颗粒板,新型环保板材禾香板来作为定制衣柜的主要板材,且由工厂机器统一制作,定制酒店固装家具 遥控电动餐桌不需要油漆胶水,不需要现场加工打磨,因此更环保。
3. Environmental Protection Index: The overall wardrobe board is healthy and environmentally friendly. The board used for woodworking wardrobes is difficult to meet environmental standards, and with the later painting process, the environmental protection coefficient will inevitably decrease. The overall wardrobe mostly uses solid wood particle board and new environmentally friendly board Hexiang board as the main board for customized wardrobes, and is uniformly produced by factory machines without the need for paint, glue, or on-site processing and polishing, making it more environmentally friendly.