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实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子详情
实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子
2023-11-30 17:05 作者:岳灵峰总厂

实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子
Hotel Furniture Factory Sharing How to Maintain Redwood Hotel Furniture
实木作为高档家具,具有实用价值和收藏价值。实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子供应古典酒店家具的厂家会有很多实木家具,实木突出高贵、古典的情调。所以很多酒店为了表现自己的气质和品位,都会别注意家具的选择。
Redwood, as a high-end furniture, has practical and collectible value. Manufacturers who supply classical hotel furniture will have many redwood furniture, which highlights the noble and classical atmosphere. So many hotels, in order to showcase their temperament and taste, do not pay attention to the selection of furniture.

但是要有一个好的桃花心木家具,选择和购买是非常重要的,但是除了购物之外,维修也成为一个主要的话题,现在看到的是桃花心木家具的维修。作为贵重家具,实木家具更需要格外注重保养和清洁厂,实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子旭豪是一家专业以佛山酒店家具,佛山酒店家具订制,佛山酒店家具厂,订制保养为一体的酒店家具保养专家。
But to have good mahogany furniture, choosing and purchasing is very important, but besides shopping, maintenance has also become a major topic. What we see now is the maintenance of mahogany furniture. As valuable furniture, redwood furniture requires special attention to maintenance and cleaning. Xuhao is a professional hotel furniture maintenance expert specializing in Foshan hotel furniture, Foshan hotel furniture customization, Foshan hotel furniture factory, and customized maintenance.

浮雕装饰选用纯棉布除尘。油漆处理过的家具、酒精、汽油等溶剂擦拭污渍。一般都会选用高贵的桃花心木,,可以打蜡,薄涂均匀,用棉布擦干,好的地方是放置家具,避开窗外的阳光直射,家具长时间暴露在阳光下。实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子会使油漆变黄,褪色,金属配件出现氧化变质。如果不能除去阳光,窗帘或百叶窗可以用来保护家具。
The relief decoration uses pure cotton cloth for dust removal. Paint treated furniture, alcohol, gasoline, and other solvents are used to wipe stains. Usually, noble peach blossom wood is chosen, which can be waxed, thinly applied evenly, and dried with a cotton cloth. A good place to place furniture is to avoid direct sunlight outside the window, and expose the furniture to sunlight for a long time. It can cause paint to turn yellow, fade, and metal accessories to oxidize and deteriorate. If sunlight cannot be removed, curtains or blinds can be used to protect furniture.

冬季一般太干燥,应保持室内湿度,实木酒店家具如何保养 酒店用大型桌子干燥容易让家具表面干燥开裂,修理也会影响美观。使用加湿器时,避免直接喷洒在木材表面,长时间潮湿会使木材腐烂,金属零件会生锈。
Winter is generally too dry, so indoor humidity should be maintained. Drying can easily cause furniture surfaces to dry and crack, and repair can also affect aesthetics. When using a humidifier, avoid spraying directly on the surface of wood. Prolonged humidity can cause wood to rot and metal parts to rust.