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厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐详情
厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐
2023-11-30 17:02 作者:岳灵峰总厂

厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐桌原理
Hotel Furniture Factory Reminds Three Principles for Choosing Hotel Furniture
客房家具是酒店家具的缩影,也是酒店购房者在装修中关注的焦点。厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐桌原理客房家具是一家酒店的门面,其质量好坏直接影响到酒店的入住率。因此,客房家具里的东西都必须精致实用,套房里面的家具也一样,所以,在定制酒店套房家具时要遵循以下原则:
Room furniture is a microcosm of hotel furniture, and it is also the focus of attention for hotel buyers in decoration. Room furniture is the facade of a hotel, and its quality directly affects the hotel's occupancy rate. Therefore, everything in the room furniture must be exquisite and practical, and the furniture in the suite is the same. Therefore, when customizing hotel suite furniture, the following principles should be followed:

一、家具是否实用一件家具的功能是非常重要的,它必须能够反映其自身存在的价值。如果它是一张椅子,它必须能够防止你的臀部接触地面。如果是床,它可以让你坐在上面,也可以让你躺在上面。厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐桌原理实用功能的含义是家具应包含一般可接受的有限用途。人们在家具的艺术装饰上花费了太多的精力。
1、 The practicality of a piece of furniture is crucial as it must reflect its inherent value. If it is a chair, it must be able to prevent your buttocks from touching the ground. If it's a bed, it can allow you to sit on it or lie on it. The meaning of practical function is that furniture should contain generally acceptable limited uses. People have invested too much energy in the artistic decoration of furniture.

二、家具是否舒适一件家具不仅要有它应有的功能,而且要有相当的舒适度。厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐桌原理一块石头可以让你不需要直接坐在地上,但它既不舒适也不方便,而苏州正好相反,很容易提供装饰性的椅子。如果你想整晚都呆在床上,床必须有足够的高度、力量和舒适来保证这一点。
2、 Whether furniture is comfortable or not. A piece of furniture should not only have its intended function, but also have a considerable level of comfort. A stone can prevent you from sitting directly on the ground, but it is neither comfortable nor convenient, while Suzhou is the opposite, making it easy to provide decorative chairs. If you want to stay in bed all night, the bed must have sufficient height, strength, and comfort to ensure this.

三、家具能否持久耐用一件家具应该能够长期使用,但每件家具的使用寿命也不同,因为这与它们的主要功能密切相关。例如,休闲椅和户外餐桌是户外家具,预计它们的使用寿命不会像抽屉面板那样长,厂家提醒选购酒店家具的三大原则 自动旋转餐桌原理也不能与您想留给子孙后代使用的灯台相比。耐久性通常被认为是质量的唯一体现。然而,事实上,一件家具的质量与设计中每一个目标的完美表达密切相关,其中包括接下来要提到的另一个目标:美。如果它是一把看起来很丑的椅子,尽管它经久耐用,或者如果它坐在上面,那它就不是一把高质量的椅子。
3、 Can furniture be durable? A piece of furniture should be able to be used for a long time, but the lifespan of each piece of furniture is also different because it is closely related to their main functions. For example, leisure chairs and outdoor dining tables are outdoor furniture, and their lifespan is not expected to be as long as drawer panels, nor can they be compared to the lampstands you want to leave for future generations to use. Durability is often considered the only manifestation of quality. However, in fact, the quality of a piece of furniture is closely related to the perfect expression of every goal in the design, including another goal that will be mentioned next: beauty. If it is an ugly looking chair, even though it is durable, or if it sits on it, then it is not a high-quality chair.