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分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发详情
分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发
2023-11-30 14:27 作者:岳灵峰总厂
分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发
Sharing Factors to Pay Attention to in Customizing Hotel Furniture
在定制酒店家具时应该注意什么?这是许多企业关心的问题。酒店家具定制并不像想象的那么简单,盲目追求时尚,省钱,忽视酒店空间的使用和客人不同的生活习惯,会使原本的梦想破灭。分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发下面岚慧家具厂给大家分享酒店家具定制需要注意的因素。
What should be noted when customizing hotel furniture? This is a concern for many businesses. Customizing hotel furniture is not as simple as imagined. Blindly pursuing fashion, saving money, ignoring the use of hotel space and the different lifestyle habits of guests can shatter original dreams. Below, Lanhui Furniture Factory will share with you the factors to pay attention to when customizing hotel furniture.
一、设计方案在注重设计方案的实际家具定制过程中,经常会遇到很多客户,对方案进行了粗略的确认,结果在终的安装过程中,发现了各种不满意的地方,但匆忙的直接后果是要承担很多责任。分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发因此,在酒店家具定做过程中,必须以设计方案为重点研究对象。对实际空间的殊要求作出相应调整,以合理大限度利用空间。
1、 In the actual furniture customization process that focuses on design schemes, design schemes often encounter many customers who roughly confirm the schemes. As a result, various unsatisfactory aspects are discovered during the final installation process, but the direct consequence of rushing is to bear a lot of responsibility. Therefore, in the process of customizing hotel furniture, the design scheme must be the focus of research. Make corresponding adjustments to the specific requirements of actual space to make reasonable and maximum use of space.
二、实用合理性注重家具使用的合理性,酒店家具应考虑到配套、实用、美观,不要一厢情愿地突出个性,应注重合理性。根据需要定制属于酒店的家具是,很多朋友根据网络的风格来制作家具,放在定的酒店空间是非常拥挤的。分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发这都是因为消费者既不专业,也不自信。事实上,这根本不必要。越来越多的酒店家具制造商致力于产品的研发,并为每位客户配备一名专业的酒店家具设计师。他们可以根据自己的需要设计更合理、更合适的酒店家具产品。
2、 Practical rationality emphasizes the rationality of furniture use. Hotel furniture should consider matching, practicality, and aesthetics, rather than blindly emphasizing individuality, and should focus on rationality. Customizing furniture that belongs to the hotel according to needs, many friends make furniture according to the style of the internet, and placing it in the designated hotel space can be very crowded. This is all because consumers are neither professional nor confident. In fact, this is not necessary at all. More and more hotel furniture manufacturers are committed to product research and development, and provide each customer with a professional hotel furniture designer. They can design more reasonable and suitable hotel furniture products according to their own needs.
三、合理利用有效空间避免不必要的浪费,应该从辩证的角度来看。酒店定制家具可以在很大程度上达到节省空间的目的,但并不是说你做的越多,利用率就越高。在没有家具的情况下,很多不必要的地方是可以填补的,分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发这不仅增加了家具的成本,而且增加了安装的难度,而且在将来的使用过程中,不一定能够使用这样的地方。这是浪费。尽量不要做得好。
3、 Reasonably utilizing effective space to avoid unnecessary waste should be viewed from a dialectical perspective. Customized hotel furniture can greatly achieve the goal of saving space, but it does not mean that the more you make, the higher the utilization rate. In the absence of furniture, many unnecessary places can be filled, which not only increases the cost of furniture, but also increases the difficulty of installation. Moreover, such places may not be able to be used in future use. This is waste. Try not to do it well.
四、外观质量外观质量首先要求家具台面光滑,做工精细,装饰精美,质地清晰美观。客房家具通常以刨花板、中密度纤维板、细木工板、层压板等为基材,以薄木、单板、三合板为覆盖材料。不同的基材和覆面材料其材料性也各不相同,分享酒店家具定制 实木餐桌椅批发不注意材料的性和正确的使用方法,常常会导致板件的翘曲。五、结构强度大多数房间家具是家具公司的合理材料结构与车间工艺安排有互动关系的,打开柜门后用鼻子闻,如果冲鼻子,眼花缭乱,眼泪,表明胶粘剂中甲醛含量过高,会对人体有害。
4、 The appearance quality first requires furniture countertops to be smooth, finely crafted, beautifully decorated, and have a clear and beautiful texture. Guestroom furniture is usually made of particleboard, medium density fiberboard, blockboard, laminated board, etc. as the base material, and covered with thin wood, veneer, and plywood. Different substrates and cladding materials have different material properties, and failure to pay attention to material properties and correct usage methods often leads to warping of the panels. 5、 The structural strength of most room furniture is closely related to the reasonable material structure and workshop process arrangement of furniture companies. After opening the cabinet door, smell it with your nose. If you rush your nose, feel dizzy, or shed tears, it indicates that the formaldehyde content in the adhesive is too high and can be harmful to the human body.