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当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径详情
当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径
2023-11-29 13:38 作者:岳灵峰总厂

当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径
The basic logic behind the current electric dining table design empowering
电动餐桌面临当前大环境下业务受阻、内销之路拥堵的双重挑战,电动餐桌市场流量的瓜分之势趋于白热化。一是我国房产市场逐渐步入存量房时代,分食家居产业蛋糕的人越来越多,进一步压缩了单个家居企业的盈利空间;二是电动餐桌产品同质化、价格战升级、品牌竞争激烈等现象的加剧,同时在互联网信息的透明化、跨界竞争者介入等因素影响下,当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径电动餐桌想方设法在有限的客源中吸引更多客户,纷纷不断加大投入,电动餐桌不自觉就进入了内卷状态。
The electric dining table is facing the dual challenges of business obstruction and domestic sales congestion in the current environment, and the trend of dividing the market flow of electric dining tables is becoming increasingly intense. Firstly, China's real estate market is gradually entering the era of stock housing, with more and more people sharing the cake of the home furnishing industry, further compressing the profit space of individual home furnishing enterprises; The second is the intensification of phenomena such as homogenization of electric dining table products, upgrading of price wars, and fierce brand competition. At the same time, under the influence of factors such as transparency of internet information and cross-border competition, electric dining tables are trying their best to attract more customers from limited customer sources, constantly increasing investment, and unconsciously entering an internal competition state.

一方面,电动餐桌要在家居舞台上树立威望,就必须在原创设计上持续发力。另一方面,随着中国经济崛起和国潮文化的复兴,一大波以原创设计为核心的电动餐桌的“迅猛生长”,越来越多的电动餐桌也意识到设计的重要性,当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径开始以原创设计标榜自身,为电动餐桌设计力量的崛起提供了温润土壤。
On the one hand, in order for electric dining tables to establish prestige on the home stage, it is necessary to continuously strive for original design. On the other hand, with the rise of China's economy and the revival of China-Chic culture, a wave of "rapid growth" of electric dining tables with original design as the core, more and more electric dining tables have also realized the importance of design, and began to flaunt themselves with original design, providing a warm soil for the rise of the design power of electric dining tables.

电动餐桌同时伴随着居民消费需求的升级,当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径我国电动餐桌市场逐渐由功能驱动型消费转向重品质、重设计的情感消费阶段,审美的觉醒和设计意识的提升使得消费者愈加关注“设计感”。
With the upgrading of consumer demand, the electric dining table market in China is gradually shifting from a function driven consumption to an emotional consumption stage that emphasizes quality and design. The awakening of aesthetics and the improvement of design awareness have made consumers pay more attention to "design sense".

电动餐桌在如今消费升级的语境下,当下电动餐桌设计 20人电动圆桌直径未来大概率将形成以设计等为核心要素的行业市场,要实现行业“质”的飞跃有赖于设计创新。而对于电动餐桌来说,该如何借助设计的力量赋能实现突破性的市场效益,获得可持续性的电动餐桌发展?不妨尝试搭建“设计+”全链路模式,多方触发行业新增长潜力。
In the context of current consumer upgrading, electric dining tables are likely to form an industry market with design and other core elements in the future. To achieve a qualitative leap in the industry, it depends on design innovation. For electric dining tables, how can we leverage the power of design to empower breakthrough market benefits and achieve sustainable development of electric dining tables? Try building a "design+" full chain model to stimulate new growth potential in the industry from multiple perspectives.