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电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径详情
电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径
2023-11-29 10:40 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径
The intelligent era of electric dining tables is rapidly occupying the furniture market
随着电动餐桌智能化时代的到来,人们的生活水平不断提升,电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径人们所追求的生活品质也不断提升。电动餐桌的出现,迅速吸引了部分消费者的目光。电动餐桌等一系列智能家居产品涌出,迅速占据市场销售份额。
With the advent of the intelligent era of electric dining tables, people's living standards are constantly improving, and the quality of life that people pursue is also constantly improving. The emergence of electric dining tables has quickly attracted the attention of some consumers. A series of smart home products such as electric dining tables are emerging, quickly occupying market sales share.

针对电动餐桌未来的定位和目前的问题,电动餐桌的定位是以客户需求为中心,延伸高端及中低端的服务,未来丰富的产品线会满足不同的客群。就像我们经常说的全屋定制,以客户的要求来定制,电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径无论高端还是中端我们都能提供;更重要的核心是,电动餐桌怎么做老百姓z喜欢的产品,怎么在渠道上深挖,然后像一些优秀的电动餐桌企业一样,把产品做得更好,把服务做得更好,更好地服务客户。
In response to the future positioning and current issues of electric dining tables, the positioning of electric dining tables is centered on customer needs, extending high-end and mid to low-end services. The rich product line in the future will meet different customer groups. As we often say about whole house customization, we can provide customization based on customer requirements, whether it's high-end or mid-range; The more important core is how to make electric dining tables products that people like, how to dig deep into channels, and then like some excellent electric dining table enterprises, make products and services better, and better serve customers.

对于零售市场,电动餐桌面对的z大的问题是每个订单都很琐碎,电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径客户的要求又很丰富,那么在这个过程中的管理、组织能力、包括公司的体系架构都需要从客户的思维去做
For the retail market, the biggest problem faced by electric dining tables is that each order is trivial and the customer's requirements are diverse. Therefore, in this process, management, organizational skills, and the company's system architecture all need to be done from the customer's perspective

电动餐桌所提倡的智能化,是真正的智能,包括生活场景、电动餐桌的智能化 电动圆桌直径人体健康等智能化的便捷功能;健康化,以前传统的材料是普通E1的标准,未来整个家居市场会给到大家更好的标准,比如零醛、无醛添加的材料。
The intelligence advocated by electric dining tables is true intelligence, including intelligent and convenient functions such as living scenes and human health; Healthy, the traditional material used to be the standard for ordinary E1, but in the future, the entire home market will provide better standards for everyone, such as zero formaldehyde and formaldehyde free materials.