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电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场详情
电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场
2023-11-29 10:04 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场
The Sustainable Development Path of Electric Dining Table Hardware
现在的消费者买电动餐桌产品,不仅关注舒适度和时尚度,实用性和环保性等也是考核标准。因此,为适应消费者需求,电动餐桌五金企业不能再走“以价格取胜”的发展模式,电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场而是应该要把产品品质摆在首位,进行“供给侧改革”。只有让消费者用得安心、舒心,企业才能在激烈的竞争中赢得消费者的青睐。
Nowadays, consumers who buy electric dining table products not only focus on comfort and fashion, but also evaluate practicality and environmental friendliness. Therefore, in order to meet consumer demand, electric dining table hardware enterprises can no longer follow the development model of "winning by price", but should prioritize product quality and carry out "supply side reform". Only by providing consumers with peace of mind and comfort can enterprises win the favor of consumers in fierce competition.

节能环保一直以来是电动餐桌洁具行业不变的主题。尤其在节能减排大背景下,消费者对节能环保产品需求愈加强烈。对于电动餐桌五金的消费者而言,不少人不再把价格当做优先购买考虑要素,比如产品风格、质量好坏、环保性等都成为选购的重点。是公认的五金产品制造大国,其背景是劳动力资源丰富而且廉价,但产品却技术含量低,需要由制造者向创造者转变。电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场一流的产品销往欧美,次品国内销售,五金企业需要生产自己掌握核心技术的产品。目前,我国节能环保压力的日益增大,国家对环境、自然资源保护也日益重视。低碳环保的理念逐渐被大众认可并接受,在如此大环境下,节能减排作为五金企业的重心,也必然为五金行业的发展带来新的方向和机遇。
Energy conservation and environmental protection have always been an unchanging theme in the electric dining table and sanitary ware industry. Especially in the context of energy conservation and emission reduction, consumers have a stronger demand for energy-saving and environmentally friendly products. For consumers of electric dining table hardware, many no longer prioritize price as a purchasing factor, such as product style, quality, environmental friendliness, etc. It is recognized as a major manufacturer of hardware products, with a background of abundant and inexpensive labor resources, but low technological content in products, requiring a shift from a manufacturer to a creator. First class products are sold to Europe and America, while substandard products are sold domestically. Hardware companies need to produce products with their own core technology. At present, the pressure of energy conservation and environmental protection in China is increasing, and the country is also paying increasing attention to the protection of the environment and natural resources. The concept of low-carbon and environmental protection is gradually recognized and accepted by the public. In such a large environment, energy conservation and emission reduction, as the focus of hardware enterprises, will inevitably bring new directions and opportunities for the development of the hardware industry.

A dual approach to brand building and technological innovation for electric dining table enterprises
眼下,一些国内五金企业逐渐从加工型企业发展成自主创新型的高附加值企业,定位于国际化、专业化、技术导向、市场导向,以出口贸易为主。电动餐桌五金供应商也应更加注重品牌建设和技术创新,通过品牌建设提高市场竞争力,以技术创新为消费者提供更优质的产品和服务,在扩大内需的大背景下走出一片新天地。电动餐桌五金产品,只有以优质的质量,电动餐桌五金 酒店餐桌批发市场才可赢得市场,树立良好的品牌形象。俗话说,创业容易守业难,如果电动餐桌五金产品的质量不能提升上去,无法满足消费者日益增长的消费需求,不但市场将难以扩大,不利于品牌建设,甚至这些经过重重困难才赢得的稳定市场,也将逐渐失去。
At present, some domestic hardware enterprises are gradually developing from processing oriented enterprises to independent and innovative high value-added enterprises, positioning themselves in internationalization, specialization, technology orientation, and market orientation, with export trade as the main focus. Electric table hardware suppliers should also pay more attention to brand building and technological innovation, improve market competitiveness through brand building, provide consumers with better products and services through technological innovation, and go out of a Xintiandi under the background of expanding domestic demand. Electric dining table hardware products can only win the market and establish a good brand image with high-quality products. As the saying goes, starting a business is easy but difficult to maintain. If the quality of electric dining table hardware products cannot be improved and cannot meet the growing consumer demand, not only will the market be difficult to expand, which is not conducive to brand building, but even these stable markets that have been won through numerous difficulties will gradually be lost.