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酒店自动餐台的制作 电动桌材质说明详情

酒店自动餐台的制作 电动桌材质说明

2023-11-26 09:17 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明

Requirements for the production of hotel automatic dining tables by the hotel  

因为酒店的位置、设计风格和地理位置都不能完全相同,如果酒店想要创建自己的te色或卖点,创建舒适和优化的房间,佛山酒店自动餐台是一个重要的选择。酒店自动餐台定制,工程师会根据客户需求设计图纸,酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明然后根据图纸进行生产制造。不同的基板和覆层材料具有不同的te性。如果不注意材料的te性或使用不当,板材经常会翘曲。酒店自动餐台通常采用刨花板、中密度纤维板、细木工板、层压板等,以薄木、单板、胶合板为覆盖材料。
Because the location, design style, and geographical location of hotels cannot be completely the same, if hotels want to create their own color scheme or selling points, create comfortable and optimized rooms, the Foshan hotel automatic dining table is an important choice. Customized hotel automatic dining tables, engineers will design drawings based on customer needs, and then produce and manufacture according to the drawings. Different substrates and cladding materials have different te properties. If the material's properties are not taken into account or used improperly, the board will often warp. The automatic dining table of the hotel usually adopts particle board, medium density fiberboard, blockboard, laminated board, etc., with thin wood, veneer and plywood as the covering materials.

酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明(

保证家具台面平整,装饰精美,做工精细,质感清晰。安全性能不仅是家具不会被人分隔,不会倒塌,还有些看不见的气味,如气味,没有刺激性气味,建议是新鲜的木味,再加上打扫房间会很香等。其次,对人体没有有害气体,那么我们需要使用环保级的材料,如平板材料是环保级的E1级,对于儿童来说也是安全、坚固耐用的,更不用说了。酒店自动餐台多为固定式或模块式家具,酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明一般以结构板为基础,采用木螺钉、五金连接件和胶粘剂等作为连接方式形成。
Ensure that the furniture countertops are flat, beautifully decorated, finely crafted, and have a clear texture. The safety performance not only means that the furniture will not be separated by people or collapse, but also has some invisible odors, such as odor. There is no pungent odor, and it is recommended to use fresh wood odor. In addition, cleaning the room will be very fragrant. Secondly, if there are no harmful gases to the human body, we need to use environmentally friendly materials. For example, flat materials are environmentally friendly E1 grade, which is also safe, sturdy, and durable for children, let alone. Hotel automatic dining tables are mostly fixed or modular furniture, usually based on structural panels and formed by connecting wood screws, hardware connectors, and adhesives.

酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明(

选择材料时,应注意不同的材料性,如刨花板、中密度板、握力差,一般不在活动频繁或握力强的部位,如门铰链螺丝等。吸轨底轨的位置、螺丝位置,容易松动产生响声。例如,客房家具的屏风背面和镜框壁上的五金挂件应别注意或用木头固定,酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明使酒店自动餐台的功能甚至安全性从结构性能上得到很大的提高,因为顾客一般都有短的时间和设备对周围设施和设备的性能不太了解,所以结构性能的质量也可以是间接的。
When selecting materials, attention should be paid to the te properties of different materials, such as particle board, medium density board, and poor grip strength. Generally, they are not located in places with frequent activities or strong grip strength, such as door hinge screws. The position of the bottom rail of the suction rail and the position of the screws are prone to loosening and producing noise. For example, the hardware pendants on the back of the screen and mirror frame walls of guest room furniture should be carefully paid attention to or fixed with wood, greatly improving the functionality and even safety of the hotel's automatic dining table from the perspective of structural performance. Because customers generally have a short period of time and lack of understanding of the performance of surrounding facilities and equipment, the quality of structural performance can also be indirect.

酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明(

它反映了酒店自动餐台的功能和安全性。说到家具质量,在满足使用要求的情况下,我们应该尽量使用低成本的材料。在使用大件材料的同时,要注意使用相同的小件材料,合理提高板材的利用率,更好地控制成本。酒店自动餐台的制作     电动桌材质说明客房家具的数量一般很大,而且有许多零件。尽量利用计算机合理安排材料,综合利用大件、小件材料,减少材料成分。本。不同结构应注意材料成本的比较,选择好的结构。酒店自动餐台的含水量不应超过12%。如果含水率高,木材容易弯曲变形。一般来说,当消费者购买时,他们可以用手触摸酒店自动餐台的底部或没有油漆的地方。如果它们感到潮湿,则含水量至少为50%,这根本不适用。建议你在未上漆的木头上洒点水。
It reflects the functionality and safety of the hotel's automatic dining table. When it comes to furniture quality, we should try to use low-cost materials while meeting usage requirements. When using large materials, attention should be paid to using the same small materials, reasonably improving the utilization rate of the board, and better controlling costs. The quantity of guest room furniture is generally large and there are many parts. Try to use computers to arrange materials reasonably, comprehensively utilize large and small materials, and reduce material composition. Ben. Different structures should pay attention to the comparison of material costs and choose a good structure. The water content of the hotel automatic dining table should not exceed 12%. If the moisture content is high, the wood is prone to bending and deformation. Generally speaking, when consumers make a purchase, they can touch the bottom of the hotel automatic dining table or unpainted areas with their hands. If they feel damp, their moisture content is at least 50%, which is not applicable at all. I suggest you sprinkle some water on the unpainted wood.
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