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电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座详情
电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座
2023-11-23 14:03 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座
Four Major Trends in the Future Market of Electric Dining Tables
在木质材料一统电动餐桌行业的年代,电动餐桌的功能都是相同的,那么评判电动餐桌优劣的标准除做工外,就是木质材料的名贵程度,紫檀、黄花梨、红木、榉木等名贵木材制作的电动餐桌不仅具有实用功能,而且还被赋予了保值增值的功能。而随着新材料进入电动餐桌生产领域,使得电动餐桌具有更多的造型、更多的功能,在使用的舒适性方面产生了明显的差别,电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座电动餐桌消费的主力军90后和00后购买电动餐桌的标准已经从讲究名贵用料转变为对舒适性和美观性的青睐。电动餐桌企业要重视新材料在产品中的运用,将研发重点转向创意、造型、外观、功能和使用的舒适性方面上来,会拥有更大的发展空间。人体工程学在电动餐桌行业中得到广泛应用现代消费者电动餐桌消费的需求正在从“有的用”向“用得好”转变。
In the era when wooden materials dominated the electric dining table industry, the functions of electric dining tables were the same. Therefore, the standard for judging the quality of electric dining tables was not only the craftsmanship, but also the degree of preciousness of wooden materials. Electric dining tables made of precious wood such as rosewood, yellow pear, mahogany, and beech not only had practical functions, but also were endowed with the function of preserving and increasing value. With the introduction of new materials into the field of electric dining table production, electric dining tables have more shapes and functions, resulting in significant differences in comfort. The main force of electric dining table consumption, the post-90s and post-00s, has shifted from emphasizing expensive materials to a preference for comfort and aesthetics. Electric dining table enterprises should attach importance to the application of new materials in their products, and shift their research and development focus to creativity, shape, appearance, function, and comfort of use, which will have greater development space. Ergonomics has been widely applied in the electric dining table industry. The demand for electric dining table consumption among modern consumers is shifting from; Some use” To&quo; Well used” Transformation.

所有的电动餐桌终是由人来使用的,舒适度将成为评价电动餐桌优劣的重要标准之一,尤其是桌类、坐具、寝具等人们经常使用的电动餐桌,对其舒适性的要求更为严格。人体工程学(或称之为人机工程学)与电动餐桌制造业结合得越来越紧密,就是通过科学的大规模实验,解决电动餐桌让人们用着更舒服、坐着更舒服、躺着更舒服的问题。无论住宅电动餐桌还是办公电动餐桌很少是给一个人使用的,电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座而是多人共用,即使是一个人使用,在儿童成长的年纪里,对电动餐桌的尺寸、高矮的需求也是不断变化的。不同身高、胖瘦、使用习惯的人对同一种电动餐桌的要求也是不一样的,脱离了具体的使用者,单纯对电动餐桌进行所谓的工学化设计犹如空中楼阁一般。所以越来越多的电动餐桌将机械可调功能融入电动餐桌设计之中,使得一款电动餐桌通过合理的调节适应每个人的具体使用需求,让每个使用者都体会到如同量身订制一般的舒适感受。
All electric dining tables are ultimately used by people, and comfort will become one of the important criteria for evaluating the quality of electric dining tables. Especially for electric dining tables that are often used by people, such as tables, seats, bedding, etc., the requirements for their comfort are stricter. The integration of ergonomics (also known as ergonomics) with the electric dining table manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly close, which is to solve the problem of electric dining tables making people more comfortable to use, sit, and lie down through large-scale scientific experiments. Both residential and office electric dining tables are rarely used by one person, but are shared by multiple people. Even if used by one person, as children grow older, the demand for the size and height of electric dining tables is constantly changing. People of different heights, sizes, and usage habits also have different requirements for the same type of electric dining table. Without specific users, simply designing the electric dining table with so-called engineering is like a castle in the air. So more and more electric dining tables are incorporating mechanical adjustable functions into their design, allowing a electric dining table to adapt to everyone's specific usage needs through reasonable adjustments, allowing every user to experience a comfortable feeling similar to tailor-made.

这种可调式功能设计在桌椅电动餐桌中体现得更为明显,将传统的固定化的电动餐桌进行可调功能方面的改造和升级,满足客人工学舒适性方面的需求,将是电动餐桌产品破局致胜的重要突破点之一。电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座满足客户定制化电动餐桌的需求随着人们生活水平的提高,新一代年轻人个性意识的觉醒;随着新材料、新技术、新工艺的广泛应用,电子商务等销售渠道的日益短平化,电动餐桌的个性化制作的成本和流通的成本不断降低。满足客户定制电动餐桌的需求成为许多传统电动餐桌企业转型的重要突破点。满足客户定制家居的需求主要有两种方式。种是由客户提供房屋数据或对某种电动餐桌的具体需求,由电动餐桌工厂出具设计稿和效果图,客户认可后,工厂进行定制化生产。
This adjustable functional design is more evident in the electric dining table of tables and chairs. Transforming and upgrading the traditional fixed electric dining table with adjustable functions to meet the needs of customers in terms of ergonomic comfort will be one of the important breakthrough points for electric dining table products to break through and win. To meet the needs of customized electric dining tables for customers, with the improvement of people's living standards and the awakening of a new generation of young people's personality awareness; With the widespread application of new materials, technologies, and processes, as well as the increasingly shortened sales channels such as e-commerce, the cost of personalized production and circulation of electric dining tables continues to decrease. Meeting the demand for customized electric dining tables has become an important breakthrough point in the transformation of many traditional electric dining table enterprises. There are two main ways to meet customers' needs for customized home furnishings. The customer provides housing data or specific needs for a certain type of electric dining table, and the electric dining table factory issues design drafts and renderings. After the customer approves, the factory conducts customized production.

电动餐桌的材质、样式、结构、外观、颜色均可以实现单定制,借助数码彩印技术,甚至可以做到将客户要求的图案或者照片印于电动餐桌之上。这种电动餐桌定制方式的点是工厂在定制过程中承担了几乎所有的工作,人力成本和时间成本较高。第二种方式是发展模块化电动餐桌。模块化电动餐桌指消费者像将不同功能、规格及颜色的基本电动餐桌模块按照自己的实际需求和创意自由进行组装、调整样式,电动餐桌市场趋势 电磁炉火锅桌餐桌座满足不同空间不同功能个性化要求的电动餐桌。厂家只需要进行标准化电动餐桌模块的生产,而将个性化定制的工作过程交给客户或者辅助客户进行。模块化电动餐桌在木质电动餐桌中早有应用,一些电动餐桌厂生产各种不同种类和颜色的木格子,消费者配合连接件、门板、把手等配件,将各种小木格式组装成更大的储物空间。
The material, style, structure, appearance, and color of the electric dining table can be customized individually. With the help of digital color printing technology, it is even possible to print the patterns or photos requested by customers on the electric dining table. The advantage of this electric dining table customization method is that the factory takes on almost all the work during the customization process, resulting in high labor and time costs. The second approach is to develop modular electric dining tables. Modular electric dining table refers to an electric dining table where consumers freely assemble and adjust the style of basic electric dining table modules with different functions, specifications, and colors according to their actual needs and creativity, to meet the personalized requirements of different spaces and functions. Manufacturers only need to produce standardized electric dining table modules, and hand over the personalized customization process to customers or assist them. Modular electric dining tables have long been applied in wooden electric dining tables. Some electric dining table factories produce various types and colors of wooden grids, and consumers cooperate with accessories such as connectors, door panels, and handles to assemble various small wooden formats into larger storage spaces.