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全屋定制厂家 酒店圆桌 电动餐桌材质详情

全屋定制厂家 酒店圆桌 电动餐桌材质

2023-11-23 13:39 作者:岳灵峰总厂

全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质  

The materials used for customized electric dining tables from manufacturers

板材越重品质越好  挑选板材的时候,很多销售员都会介绍,板材越重越厚实,品质越好,其实这种说法是不正确的,板材越重,强度是会相对较高,握钉力也会更好。  全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质  但是没有必要过分追求板材的重量和厚度,并以此为标准来衡量板材的品质好坏,只要是符合国家的标准就好。
Myth 1: When selecting boards, the heavier the board, the better the quality. Many salespeople will introduce that the heavier the board, the thicker the quality. However, this statement is incorrect. The heavier the board, the higher the strength, and the better the nail grip. But there is no need to overly pursue the weight and thickness of the board, and use it as a standard to measure the quality of the board, as long as it meets national standards.
内行人买板材一看烘干度,二看拼接,干燥度好的板材反而相对很轻,还不会出现裂纹,很平整。而且很多板材虽然看起来很厚,但其实中间是多层板材结合到一起的,里面可能还有空心的。  此外,太重的板材会对五金件造成负担,影响电动餐桌的使用寿命。
Insiders look at the drying degree and splicing when buying boards. However, boards with good drying degree are relatively light and will not crack, making them very flat. Moreover, although many boards may appear thick, they are actually composed of multiple layers of boards combined together, and there may be hollow spaces inside. In addition, heavy boards can burden hardware and affect the lifespan of electric dining tables.

全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质(

电动餐桌定制板材防潮和防水是一个性质  在很多人的观念中,全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质防潮和防水是可以划上等号的。实际上,这种观念也是不正确的。  防潮剂是在板材基材中混入的,它对于板材本身的防水性能并没有任何影响。
Myth 2: Customized sheets for electric dining tables have the same properties as moisture-proof and waterproof. In many people's minds, moisture-proof and waterproof can be equated. In fact, this concept is also incorrect. The moisture-proof agent is mixed into the substrate of the board, and it has no effect on the waterproof performance of the board itself.
实践证明,有防潮剂的板和没有防潮剂的板浸泡在水中,膨胀率是相同的,全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质所谓防潮只是对空气中的潮气有作用。  切不可盲目迷信防潮板性能,加入过多反而会影响板材的强度。
Practice has shown that boards with and without moisture-proof agents have the same expansion rate when soaked in water. The so-called moisture-proof only has an effect on moisture in the air. Do not blindly believe in the performance of moisture-proof boards. Adding too much can actually affect the strength of the board.

全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质(

这些劣质板材不但做工粗糙,生产过程中还可能会使用大量的劣质脲醛胶,全屋定制厂家    酒店圆桌  电动餐桌材质更是没有清洁环节,所以就算外观看上去相似,内在质量却是天壤之别。
These inferior boards not only have rough workmanship, but also may use a large amount of inferior urea formaldehyde adhesive during the production process, and there is no cleaning process. Therefore, even if the appearance looks similar, the internal quality is vastly different.
The quality of the product is always proportional to the price we pay. If we only want to purchase cheap boards without considering other factors, it will only lead to quality problems in later use.
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