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定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格详情
定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格
2023-11-20 13:28 作者:岳灵峰总厂

定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格
Current situation and future of customized electric dining table industry
Differentiated operation is the main premise for survival and development. The limitations of the technology content and investment scale of the customized electric dining table industry have caused the industry to grow; The threshold is relatively low;, The layman is easy to become; A layman;.

又由于定制电动餐台的种类和款式非常多,专利保护比较难,也给模仿者提供了机会。定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格每年的国际展会和国内展会成了模仿者的课堂。企业斥巨资开发的新产品只要被市场承认就会迅速地行业化、规模化生产,好产品往往昙花一现。
And because there are so many types and styles of customized electric dining tables, patent protection is relatively difficult, which also provides opportunities for imitators. Each year's international and domestic exhibitions become a classroom for imitators. As long as the new products developed by enterprises with huge investment are recognized by the market, they will be rapidly industrialized and large-scale production. Good products are often short-lived.

以前,一个畅销产品的生命周期是2~3年,而现在却缩短到不到半年,市场的同质化让许多大企业苦不堪言。而消费者在几万平方米的定制电动餐台商场里又被同款式、同颜色、同材料和同价格的定制电动餐台弄得眼花缭乱而不知所措。定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格同质化的市场渴望着差异化的良方。
Previously, the life cycle of a best-selling product was 2 to 3 years, but now it has been shortened to less than half a year. The homogenization of the market has made many large enterprises miserable. In the tens of thousands of square meters of customized electric dining tables, consumers are dazzled by customized electric dining tables of the same style, color, material and price. The homogenized market is eager for a good recipe for differentiation.

定制电动餐台设计应从产品设计走向企业设计 定制电动餐台作为走进家庭,贴近生活的te殊商品,必然在现代生活潮流中扮演个性化角色。定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格个性化的塑造和情感化的培育离不开;设计;。
2) The design of customized electric dining table should move from product design to enterprise design. As a special product entering the family and close to life, customized electric dining table must play a personalized role in the trend of modern life. Individualized shaping and emotional cultivation are inseparable; Design;.

各类设计师纷纷走上定制电动餐台舞台,定制电动餐台企业纷纷向国外和设计专业院校的人才招手。产品设计,定制电动餐台展厅设计,定制电动餐台摆场设计,产品形象和企业形象设计方面的人才都将成为定制电动餐台行业的短缺人才。定制电动餐台行业 自动大圆餐桌价格定制电动餐台行业正缓慢地从设计产品、设计卖场逐步走向设计生活的更高境界。
All kinds of designers have stepped onto the stage of customized electric dining table, and customized electric dining table enterprises have waved to talents from foreign countries and design colleges. The talents in product design, customized electric dining table exhibition hall design, customized electric dining table layout design, product image and corporate image design will become the shortage of talents in the customized electric dining table industry. The customized electric dining table industry is slowly moving from designing products and designing stores to a higher level of design life.