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电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场详情
电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场
2023-11-18 14:06 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场
The connection hardware of the solid wood electric table and electric dining table
平常看见哪有污渍,我们经常使用酒精或者汽油来清除污渍,电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场可是实木电动桌电动餐台表面的污渍却不能使用这些化学溶剂清除,可选用软棉布沾上温热的茶水轻轻的擦拭,待水分挥发干以后,在涂上光蜡即可。平时要避免让利器或者硬物磕碰到实木电动桌电动餐台,并且平时也只需用软棉布或鸡毛撢子清除一下灰尘即可。
We often use alcohol or gasoline to remove stains where we usually see them. However, the stains on the surface of solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables cannot be removed using these chemical solvents. You can choose a soft cotton cloth dipped in warm tea water to gently wipe, and after the water evaporates, apply polish. Usually, it is necessary to avoid sharp tools or hard objects hitting the solid wood electric table electric dining table, and only use a soft cotton cloth or feather duster to remove dust.

实木电动桌电动餐台在日常使用中,要尽量保持卧室中环境的稳定,电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场尤其是温度和干湿度不能有太大的变化,否则容易导致实木电动桌电动餐台变形,缩短使用寿命。避免阳光直射实木电动桌电动餐台。
In daily use, it is important to maintain a stable environment in the bedroom, especially when there are no significant changes in temperature and humidity. Otherwise, it may cause deformation and shorten the service life of the solid wood electric table electric dining table. Avoid direct sunlight on solid wood electric tables and electric dining tables.

被阳光直射,对任何电动餐台都有较大的影响,因此在炎热的夏天,要拉好卧室的窗帘。电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场若是窗帘影响卧室内采光,可选用透明的薄纱窗帘隔开日光直射,这样就不会影响室内采光了。
Being exposed to direct sunlight has a significant impact on any electric dining table, so in hot summers, it is important to pull the curtains of the bedroom. If the curtains affect the lighting in the bedroom, transparent gauze curtains can be used to isolate direct sunlight, so as not to affect the indoor lighting.

The solid wood electric table electric dining table should be designed with a heat source, especially for electric ovens used for winter heating. Do not be too close to the electric dining table. Good, if the distance is more than one meter, the solid wood electric table electric dining table can experience a series of adverse effects such as cracking, deformation, paint film detachment, and even deterioration when baked at high temperatures for a long time.

实木电动桌电动餐台的连接五金件需要定期检查,发现有松动要及时紧固;电动餐台需要定期检查 上海酒店餐桌批发市场在清洁实木电动桌电动餐台时,可用湿抹布擦拭电动餐台脚,但是不能使用腐蚀性的清洁剂,若是轨道上的灰尘,可用吸尘器或者软毛刷清理。
The connecting hardware of the solid wood electric table and electric dining table needs to be inspected regularly, and any looseness should be tightened in a timely manner; When cleaning the solid wood electric table electric dining table, a wet cloth can be used to wipe the feet of the electric dining table, but corrosive cleaning agents cannot be used. If there is dust on the track, a vacuum cleaner or a soft bristle brush can be used to clean it.