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大型电动转盘电动餐桌 酒店电动餐桌尺寸详情

大型电动转盘电动餐桌 酒店电动餐桌尺寸

2023-11-17 09:19 作者:岳灵峰总厂

大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸

Excessive maintenance of solid wood electric tables can also cause damage to them!

Generally, solid wood electric tables are made of strong wooden materials and require prolonged contact with the air to absorb moisture and oxygen, thereby increasing the permeability of solid wood electric tables.
而电动桌蜡是一种比较传统的家居保养产品,大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸当电动桌蜡打在实木电动桌电动桌上覆盖在电动桌的表面,就像是一层薄膜一样附在上面。
Electric table wax is a relatively traditional home care product. When electric table wax is applied to a solid wood electric table, it covers the surface of the electric table like a thin film attached to it.

大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸(

如果打的电动桌蜡比较厚,那对实木电动桌电动桌来说,并不是什么好事。大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸厚实的电动桌蜡容易将实木电动桌电动桌本身的透孔遮盖住,更容易使电动桌出问题。
If the electric table wax is thick, it is not a good thing for solid wood electric tables. Thick electric table wax can easily cover the through-holes of the solid wood electric table itself, making it more likely to cause problems with the electric table.
Moreover, some electric table waxes are not made of environmentally friendly materials themselves, which can cause even greater harm to solid wood electric tables, especially in the maintenance of bedroom solid wood electric tables. Electric table waxes made of non environmentally friendly materials can easily enter the human body through the respiratory tract and have an impact on human health. Therefore, when waxing on solid wood electric tables, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of electric table wax used

大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸(

实木电动桌电动桌使用精油的保养方式精油一般都是从植物中提取而来,本身的原料比较环保。大型电动转盘电动餐桌   酒店电动餐桌尺寸使用精油是实木电动桌电动桌保养方法中比较新型的一种。
. The maintenance method for solid wood electric tables is to use essential oils. Essential oils are generally extracted from plants and their raw materials are relatively environmentally friendly. The use of essential oils is a relatively new type of maintenance method for solid wood electric tables.
Essential oils have long been used in electric table wooden products such as electric dining tables and wooden decorations, mainly to moisturize and prevent dryness and cracking. When essential oil is used on a solid wood electric table, it not only forms a protective film on the surface of the electric table, but also more easily penetrates through the wooden perforations of the electric table, providing a certain protective effect on the solid wood electric table.
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