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电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价详情
电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价
2023-11-13 08:50 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价
The Development of Electric Big Round Table Enterprises Should Get rid of Traditional Models
电动大圆桌企业发展应摆脱传统模式,随着线下渠道的扩容以及线上电商的发展,信息不断透明化,电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价消费者不再两眼一抹黑,而是一跃成为了消费市场主导者,他们希望购买差异化产品、想花zui少的钱享受高于上帝的服务。
The development of electric large round table enterprises should break away from traditional models. With the expansion of offline channels and the development of online e-commerce, information has become increasingly transparent. Consumers no longer have a blind eye, but have leapt into the dominant position in the consumer market. They want to purchase differentiated products and enjoy services higher than God for less money.

但是仍有不少电动大圆桌企业依旧固守在自己的传统思维里,寄希望在“渠道为王”上,电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价重心仍在经销渠道。由此,生产的产品同质化严重,广告宣传只会自卖自夸,甚至有的定制电动大圆桌企业还认为“延长保修期”就是好服务。结果可想而知。
However, there are still many large electric roundtable enterprises that still adhere to their traditional thinking and place their hopes on "channel being king", with the focus still on distribution channels. As a result, the products produced are seriously homogenized, and advertising can only boast. Some customized electric roundtable companies even believe that "extending the warranty period" is good service. The results can be imagined.

互联网思维建立双向沟通,直面当今消费模式,不管你愿不愿意承认,电动大圆桌企业发展 自动旋转圆餐桌报价它已不仅是买方市场,同时还加载了一张“无限量"的互联网。纵使没有一家实体店,单凭网络渠道,小米手机一年都能卖出100亿,可见这里缺的不是消费市场,只是缺少拥有互联网思维的脑袋及缺乏占有欲的眼光。
Internet thinking establishes two-way communication and faces the current consumption model directly. Whether you want to admit it or not, it is not only a buyer's market, but also loaded with an "unlimited amount" of Internet. Even without a physical store, Xiaomi mobile phones can sell for 10 billion yuan a year through online channels alone. It can be seen that what is lacking here is not the consumer market, but just a lack of brains with Internet thinking and a lack of possessive vision.