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电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘详情
电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘
2023-11-11 13:34 作者:岳灵峰总厂

电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘
Lanhui's electric dining table strategy is the foundation for sustained profitability
另一方面就是合理合法合规的获取利润。盈利是企业本能,直接关乎企业生死存亡。电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘电动餐桌业大多是民营企业,自负盈亏是常态。有业内人士认为,电动餐桌业不能再以产能、产量作为衡量企业价值高低的标准,应以在符合国家相关政策的经营运作下是否盈利作为硬指标。
On the other hand, it is to obtain profits in a reasonable, legal and compliant manner. Profitability is a corporate instinct, directly related to the survival of enterprises. The electric dining table industry is mostly private enterprises, and it is normal for them to assume sole responsibility for their profits and losses. Some insiders believe that the electric dining industry can no longer use production capacity and output as the standard to measure enterprise value, but should use whether it is profitable under the operation in line with relevant national policies as a hard indicator.

那个追求规模的时代已然过去,企业规模大,容易出现大企业病,且管理成本高、经营风险大,一旦倒下,对社会造成的影响和损失也会很大。电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘经营企业,适合zui好,管好自己的心,切忌盲目贪大求全、盲目跨界多元,防止陷入行业内卷漩涡不能自拔。
The era of pursuing scale has passed. Enterprises with large scales are prone to large enterprise diseases, high management costs, and high operational risks. Once they fall, the impact and losses on society will also be significant. Running a business is suitable for Zui. Take good care of your own heart, and avoid blindly seeking perfection and cross-border diversification, so as to prevent yourself from falling into the industry's internal vortex.

电动餐桌企业要做好战略布局,为做正确事和正确做事打好基础。经营企业不是轰轰烈烈过把瘾就死,电动餐桌战略 餐桌自动转盘而是一场锤炼心智和耐力的马拉松。要学会做减法,让企业始终保持健康、持续、高质量发展态势,这是实现企业活下去乃至基业常青的前提,更为持续盈利做足磨刀不误砍柴工之准备。
Electric dining table enterprises should make a good strategic layout, laying a good foundation for doing the right thing and doing things correctly. Running a business is not just about killing someone with a bang, but rather about a marathon that trains your mind and endurance. Learning to subtract and maintain a healthy, sustained, and high-quality development trend is a prerequisite for achieving survival and even the evergreen of the enterprise. It is also necessary to prepare for sustained profitability without sacrificing the ability to cut firewood.