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10人圆形餐桌尺寸 分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不详情

10人圆形餐桌尺寸 分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不

2023-11-10 13:59 作者:岳灵峰总厂

10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不要:

Hotel Furniture 10 Person Round Table Size Factory Share Cleaning and Maintenance of Hotel Furniture 10 Person Round Table Size Three Don'ts:


一、不要用干布擦拭家具表面灰尘由纤维、沙子和硅石构成。许多人用干抹布擦家具。10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不要:事实证明,小颗粒在冲突中被来回擦掉,破坏了家具涂料的表面。虽然这些划痕是如此之小,以至于肉眼都看不见,但总有一天,它会使家具的外观变得暗淡、粗糙和不再明亮。
1、 Do not use a dry cloth to wipe the surface of furniture. Dust is composed of fibers, sand, and silica. Many people use dry rags to clean furniture. It has been proven that small particles are rubbed back and forth during the conflict, damaging the surface of the furniture paint. Although these scratches are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, one day they will make the appearance of furniture dull, rough, and no longer bright.

10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不(

二、不要使用肥皂水、清洁剂或清水木家具肥皂水、洗涤剂等清洁产品不仅能有效去除家具表面积存的灰尘,而且不能去除抛光前的硅砂颗粒,而且由于它们必然具有腐蚀性,会损害家具的外观。家具油漆已经变得单调乏味了。同时,如果水渗入木材,也会造成木材局部成型或变形,缩短其使用寿命。如今很多家具都是用纤维板制成的机器,如果有水渗透,前两年由于甲醛等添加剂没有完全挥发,就不大可能发霉。但一旦添加剂蒸发,湿布的湿度会引起家具霉变。10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不要如果家庭的下一个层次,家庭家具可能每年都“腐烂”。
2、 Do not use soapy water, cleaning agents, or clean water for wooden furniture. Soap water, detergents, and other cleaning products not only effectively remove dust accumulated on the surface of furniture, but also cannot remove silicon sand particles before polishing. Moreover, due to their inherent corrosiveness, they can damage the appearance of furniture. Furniture paint has become monotonous. At the same time, if water seeps into the wood, it can also cause local formation or deformation of the wood, shortening its service life. Nowadays, many furniture is made of fiberboard machines. If there is water penetration, it is unlikely that formaldehyde and other additives will become moldy in the first two years due to incomplete volatilization. But once the additive evaporates, the humidity of the wet cloth can cause furniture to mold. If at the next level of the family, furniture may be available every year; Rotten;.

10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不(

三、家具保养蜡不能用来清洁和保养皮革沙发许多家具维护说明书都是为了保护真皮沙发,这使得很多家庭主妇都会犯错误。家庭护理蜡喷雾只能用于喷洒木制家具的外观,而不是在沙发上。这是因为真皮沙发是动物的皮肤。一旦喷上蜡,就会使皮革制品的毛孔堵塞。10人圆形餐桌尺寸  分享酒店家具的清洁保养三不要日复一日,皮革会老化并缩短其使用寿命。另外,有些人为了使家具看起来更有光泽,有些蜡制品直接涂在家具上,或者使用不当,反而会使家具的外观变得模糊。
3、 Furniture maintenance wax cannot be used to clean and maintain leather sofas. Many furniture maintenance manuals are designed to protect leather sofas, which makes many housewives make mistakes. Home care wax spray can only be used to spray the appearance of wooden furniture, not on the sofa. This is because genuine leather sofas are made of animal skin. Once wax is sprayed, it can clog the pores of leather products. Day after day, leather will age and shorten its lifespan. In addition, some people apply wax products directly to furniture to make it look more shiny, or use them improperly, which can actually make the appearance of the furniture blurry.
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