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关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌详情
关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌
2023-11-10 09:20 作者:岳灵峰总厂

关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌
Inroucion o cusomie maerials for European elecric ining ables:
由于普通的实木欧式电动餐桌定做受材料成本及工艺等因素的影响,很多品牌会采用多层实木技术。关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌多层实木板,即将木材旋切成单板,然后纹理纵横交织组胚压制起来的一种板材,产品是比天然木材稳定性好,结构强度高,比普通人造板材环保。
ue o facors such as maerial cos an crafsmanship affecing he cusomiaion of orinary soli woo European elecric ining ables, many brans aop muli-layer soli woo echnology. Muli layer soli woo boar, which is a ype of boar mae by roary cuing woo ino single boars, an hen weaving an pressing he exure verically an horionally. he prouc has beer sabiliy an srucural srengh han naural woo, an is more environmenally frienly han orinary arificial boars.

he benefis of cusomiing naural soli woo:
实木定制一定要用纯实木的一定要用原木的,这本身也是个误区!除了更天然,更高档之外还得承受高价格,关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌还要承担容易开裂和变形的风险,维护成本也会随之增加!实木多层板技术提高了木材的利用率,克服了原木容易开裂和变形的风险,其结构强度高,使用寿命长,用胶量及环保性能远远超过刨花板和密度板等人造板材,经过贴面和封边及油漆处理,多层实木板环保性能可以媲美原木。
Cusomiing soli woo mus use pure soli woo an mus use raw woo, which is also a misconcepion in iself! In aiion o being more naural an upscale, we also have o bear high prices, as well as he risk of cracking an eformaion, an mainenance coss will also increase accoringly! Soli woo mulilayer boar echnology improves he uiliaion rae of woo an overcomes he risk of easy cracking an eformaion of logs. Is srucural srengh is high, is service life is long, an is glue consumpion an environmenal proecion performance are far more han hose of arificial boars such as paricle boar an ensiy boar. Afer veneer, ege sealing an pain reamen, he environmenal proecion performance of mulilayer soli boars can be comparable o ha of logs.

Misakes in Cusomiing European Soli Woo Elecric ining ables:
Whie oak is a maerial mosly use for proucing European syle elecric ining ables, an his ype of oak is generally rare in China, usually in Wes Asia, Inonesia, Souh Korea, Malaysia, an Souh Korea. Goo woo is always prouce in col places, while ropical woo grows quickly an he maerials are no very goo.

Cusomie European elecric ining able maerial: whie oak
定制实木欧式电动餐桌胡桃楸,民间称没有结果的胡桃楸为胡桃楸,关于欧式电动餐桌定做 多功能圆餐桌胡桃楸棕眼排列平淡,深色柔和,光泽小,纹理清晰,结构细腻,抗腐性强,不变,不开裂,无异味。木材硬度适中,重量适中,干缩小,平面光滑,物理力学性能耐磨性强。
Cusomie soli woo European syle elecric ining able uglans manshurica, commonly known as he fruiless uglans manshurica, has a fla brown eye arrangemen, sof ark color, low gloss, clear exure, elicae srucure, srong corrosion resisance, no change, no cracking, an no oor. he woo has moerae harness, moerae weigh, ry shrinkage, smooh surface, an srong physical an mechanical properies an wear resisance.