- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸详情
酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸
2023-11-09 14:05 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸
A high-en elecric ining able an roun able ha is essenial for hoels
电动餐桌系列突破了传统餐桌的形式,引领餐桌发展前沿浪潮,酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸 集现代生活健康环保的理念与现代科技于一身。
he elecric ining able series breaks hrough he raiional form of ining ables, leaing he forefron of ining able evelopmen, inegraing he concep of moern life, healh, an environmenal proecion wih moern echnology.

Inroucing a bran new ero raiaion, healhy an environmenally frienly hoel ining able concep, wih profoun culure, noble class, luxurious amosphere, an exraorinary ase, i is secon o none in he inusry.

现在人们的生活水平越来越好了,于是对就餐的一些要求也越来越高,酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸商务宴请或者家庭聚会的增多也让人们追求更加高档精致的就餐条件和环境。而电动餐桌以其大的便利性和人性化的服务性成为各个中高档酒店的首选餐桌。
Nowaays, people's living sanars are geing beer an beer, leaing o higher requiremens for ining. he increase in business banques or family gaherings has also le people o pursue more high-en an exquisie ining coniions an environmens. An elecric ining ables have become he preferre ining able for various mi o high-en hoels ue o heir grea convenience an humanie service characerisics.

这款酒店包间岩板轻奢2.6米电动圆桌设计为两层,酒店必备的电动餐桌 15人电动餐桌定制尺寸转盘的颜色与围板的颜色设计为一样的颜色,让电动餐桌上下更加呼应,再加上不锈钢包边台面与底座,整体会更加稳固。这款酒店包间岩板轻奢2.6米电动圆桌内置支架式电动餐桌机芯,餐桌的大小可以根据客户要求定做,大可以做到直径六米都毫无问题。这么一款酒店包间岩板轻奢2.6米电动圆桌摆放在酒店包间内熠熠生辉。
his hoel privae room feaures a 2.6 meer ligh luxury rock panel elecric roun able esign wih wo floors. he color of he urnable is he same as he color of he surrouning panel, making he elecric ining able more responsive. In aiion, he sainless seel eging counerop an base make he overall able more sable. his hoel privae room feaures a 2.6-meer elecric roun able wih a buil-in bracke ype elecric ining able movemen. he sie of he ining able can be cusomie accoring o cusomer requiremens, wih a maximum iameer of six meers wihou any problems. his hoel privae room feaures a luxurious 2.6 meer elecric roun able wih a ligh slae, shining brighly in he room.