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酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装详情
酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装
2023-11-03 13:52 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装
Common sense about the maintenance of electric dining table of hotel furniture
此时可以自己动手对电动餐台进行美容,佛山岚慧电动餐台电动餐台公司现介绍以下几种方法 :
At this time, you can do beauty on the electric dining table yourself. Foshan Lanhui Electric Dining Table Electric Dining Table Company now introduces the following methods:
1.藤制酒店家具电动餐台或竹制酒店家具电动餐台用久了会积垢,酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装可用食盐水擦洗,既可去污,又能使其柔松有韧性。
1. The rattan hotel furniture electric dining table or the bamboo hotel furniture electric dining table will accumulate dirt after being used for a long time. It can be washed with salt water to remove dirt and make it soft and flexible.

2. After making tea on the tea set table with fireproof board, ugly stains will be left on the tea set table over time. For this, you can sprinkle some water on the tea set table, wipe it with tin foil in the cigarette box, and then scrub it with water to remove the tea stains. Using this method to scrub tea sets has the same effect.
热杯盘等直接放在电动餐台漆面上,酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装会留下一圈白色烫痕,一般只要用煤油、酒精、花露水或浓茶蘸湿的抹布擦拭即可。用碘酒在烫痕上轻轻擦抹,或涂上一层凡士林油,隔两日再用抹布擦拭烫痕即可消除。
Hot cups and pans directly placed on the paint surface of the electric dining table will leave a circle of white scald marks. Generally, they can only be wiped with kerosene, alcohol, toilet water or strong tea dipped in wet rags. Gently wipe the scald mark with iodine, or apply a layer of Vaseline oil, and then wipe the scald mark with a cloth every two days.

3. Burning objects such as cigarette butts, soot or matches that are not extinguished sometimes leave scorch marks on the paint surface of the electric dining table of the hotel furniture. If the paint is only burnt, wrap a layer of fine hard cloth on the toothpick, gently wipe the marks, and then apply a layer of wax to remove the burn marks.
4.如果酒店家具电动餐台漆面擦伤,未触及漆下木质,可用同电动餐台颜色一致的蜡笔或颜料,酒店家具电动餐台保养小常识 电动餐桌电机安装在电动餐台的创面涂抹,覆盖外露的底色,然后用透明的指甲油薄薄地涂上一层即可。
4. If the paint surface of the hotel furniture electric dining table is scratched and does not touch the wood under the paint, you can use a crayon or pigment with the same color as the electric dining table to apply it on the wound surface of the electric dining table, cover the exposed background color, and then apply a thin layer of transparent nail polish.