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酒店实木电动餐桌椅修复 电动桌翻新技巧-酒店详情

酒店实木电动餐桌椅修复 电动桌翻新技巧-酒店

2023-10-21 14:15 作者:岳灵峰总厂

酒店实木电动餐桌椅修复    电动桌翻新技巧-酒店家具

Renovation Techniques for Repairing Solid Wood Electric Dining Tables and Chairs in Hotels


1. Renovation method for hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs: Generally, before the renovation of hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs, many electric tables will have serious scratches, cracks, and other phenomena, so they need to be treated; Then clean the surface of the hotel's solid wood electric dining table and chair before polishing. The polishing can be done using a specialized electric table hotel solid wood electric dining table and chair refurbishment and polishing machine, with the aim of scraping off the paint on the wooden electric table;
Next, prepare the putty and evenly apply it to the hotel's solid wood electric dining table and chair, and air dry it; After the putty on the electric table is air dried, it can be painted, oiled, and waxed. After the paint dries, the renovation of the hotel's solid wood electric dining table and chairs is considered complete.

酒店实木电动餐桌椅修复    电动桌翻新技巧-酒店(

2. Renovation techniques for hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs: After polishing the hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs, it is necessary to observe the flatness of the electric table. If there are obvious concave and convex areas, they need to be re polished and leveled, with a suitable thickness of about 0.5mm; Secondly, many wall corners cannot be polished with polishing machines.
Therefore, it is necessary to manually polish with sandpaper in order to ensure the polishing effect. A good polishing method is to first polish with coarse sandpaper, and then use fine sandpaper, one by one from four directions;
The waxing and oiling of renovated solid wood electric dining tables and chairs in hotels is very important, which can improve the service life and luster of the hotel's solid wood electric dining tables and chairs. Therefore, after the putty is air dried, it should be done in the order of painting, oiling, and waxing.

酒店实木电动餐桌椅修复    电动桌翻新技巧-酒店(

3. Maintenance of the renovation of hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs: The effect of the renovation of hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs is almost the same as that of a new purchase, but its surface has been polished, so the thickness of the hotel solid wood electric dining tables and chairs has also become thinner, making their lives more fragile. Therefore, good maintenance is needed.
The maintenance of the renovated solid wood electric dining tables and chairs in the hotel requires waxing once a month to maintain the glossiness of the wooden electric table surface; After renovation, sand and gravel should not be brought in, as it may wear and tear the surface of the hotel's solid wood electric dining table and chairs; The joints of the hotel's solid wood electric dining tables and chairs also need to be regularly treated, otherwise they will be difficult to handle due to long-term accumulation, resulting in a decrease in surface aesthetics
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