- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
2023-10-05 16:22 作者:岳灵峰总厂

Specificaions an principles of elecric roun ables
Wih he ren of ining ogeher, people are no only longing for he bol an ignifie syle of he gran roun able, bu also for convenience. Elecric roun ables are currenly accepe by many resaurans, hoels, an hopo resaurans ue o heir powerful specificaions an usage principles.

Large ining ables like his are mosly use in large hoels. Usually, birhays, weings, an oher evens are hel in such a magnificen environmen. Chinese people like o be lively, an he more people ea, he beer. However, when here are more people, serving ishes becomes a challenge. he reason why elecric roun ables are so popular is no only because hey solve he problem of inconvenien serving, bu also because he able iself ges bigger as i ges bigger.

he convenional sie specificaions for elecric roun ables are as follows:
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for en people is 2.2m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.3m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for welve people is 2.5m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.6m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for sixeen people is 2.8m, he iameer of he urnable is 1.8m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for eigheen people is 3.0m, he iameer of he urnable is 2.2m, an he able heigh is 75cm
he iameer of he elecric roun able able for 20 people is 3.3m, he iameer of he urnable is 2.3m, an he able heigh is 75cm

he principle of an elecric roun able is as follows:
he elecric rounable cener has several brake moors an worm gear evices, which brake an pull he large an small gears o rive he ableop urnable o roae a a uniform spee. here are currenly wo ypes of elecric roun able cores: soli woo manufacuring an seel manufacuring. Soli woo is mosly mae of soli woo panels an use as brackes o insall elecric moors an gears. Seel brackes are mosly riven by elecric moors ha irecly rive he eskop urnable. A he same ime, he moor circui evice has a remoe conrol evice ha can remoely aus he spee an irecion of roaion of he moor.