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2023-09-27 14:52 作者:岳灵峰总厂

What should be paid attention to when customizing and accepting furniture for Wuxingji Hotel - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Lt
对于五酒店来说,想要在众多酒店中脱颖而出,给消费者留下深刻的印象,不仅要做好服务,要在装修家具上也要多下功夫,因此很多酒店在装修时都会选择定制家具,以便彰显出自己酒店的00色,提高竞争力。那么五xingji酒店家具定制在验收时应注意什么呢? 在验收时,作为酒店采购家具项目的负责人应该多注意家具的细节,才能保障在使用过程中不会出现问题,重点关注的有以下几点。
For Wuxingji hotels, in order to stand out among numerous hotels and leave a deep impression on consumers, it is not only necessary to provide good service, but also to put more effort into furniture decoration. Therefore, many hotels choose to customize furniture during decoration to showcase their hotel's 00 colors and improve competitiveness. So what should we pay attention to when accepting the furniture customization of Wuxingji Hotel? During the acceptance process, as the person in charge of the hotel's furniture procurement project, one should pay more attention to the details of the furniture to ensure that there will be no problems during use. The key points to pay attention to are the following.

一、检查外观 想要仔细检查五酒店家具定制的质量如何就要先检查外观,其方法和检查门窗的质量差不多,主要是检查表面的漆膜是不是足够平滑,有光亮,是不是存在流坠以及气泡等质量残缺。另外,还要重点看看装饰面板是不是存在色差,花纹是不是一致。此外,还要看看人造板部件的各处封边的做工如何。
1、 To carefully inspect the quality of customized furniture in Wuxingji Hotel, it is necessary to first inspect the appearance. The method is similar to checking the quality of doors and windows, mainly checking whether the surface paint film is smooth enough, shiny, and whether there are quality defects such as sags and bubbles. In addition, it is also important to focus on whether there is color difference in the decorative panel and whether the patterns are consistent. In addition, it is also necessary to see how the edges of the artificial board components are sealed.

二、检查结构 检查定制家具结构是不是合理,框架是不是端正、牢固,并且用手轻轻地推一推,如果发现有晃动或是出现咯咯吱吱的声音,就说明这些家具的结构不牢固,还要着重检查一下家具的垂直度,以及翘曲底。
2、 Check the structure to see if the customized furniture structure is reasonable, whether the frame is upright and firm, and gently push it with your hand. If there is shaking or creaking sound, it indicates that the structure of these furniture is not firm. It is also important to focus on checking the verticality and warped bottom of the furniture.

三、检查工艺 如果要想知道定制的家具合不合格就要看做工精细程度,可以根据组合部分进行区分,检查家具每个部件之间连接点的牢固度。对于整体结构的家具来说,每个连接点都是必须是密合,不能存在缝隙和松动的迹象。而检查工艺的时候还要看看抽屉以及柜门是不是灵活,能不能正确回位。
3、 If you want to know whether the customized furniture is qualified or not, it depends on the level of craftsmanship. You can distinguish it based on the combination parts and check the firmness of the connection points between each component of the furniture. For furniture with an overall structure, each connection point must be tight and there must be no signs of gaps or looseness. When inspecting the process, it is also necessary to check whether the drawers and cabinet doors are flexible and can be correctly repositioned.
四、检查尺寸 对于酒店家具定制来说,定制家具不仅仅是为了美观装饰,还要具有很强的实用性,符合人们的使用习惯,大小尺寸是不是合理等。
4、 For the customization of furniture in Wuxingji Hotel, checking the size is not only for aesthetic decoration, but also for strong practicality, in line with people's usage habits, and whether the size is reasonable.

五、检查配件 对于家具来说,质量好不好还要看配件如何,像是座椅垫、防滑垫等都要齐全。 以上就是关于验收酒店家具定制的时候需要注意的几点事项,定制的家具好不好直接关系到消费者们对酒店的印象,所有千万不能马虎。
5、 For furniture, the quality of checking accessories depends on the quality of the accessories, such as seat cushions and anti slip pads, which should be complete. The above are a few points to pay attention to when inspecting the furniture customization of Wuxingji Hotel. The quality of the customized furniture directly affects consumers' impression of the hotel, so it is important not to be careless.