- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
2023-09-12 16:09 作者:岳灵峰总厂

How o Mainain Foshan Whole House Cusomiaion
Going o he elecric ining able sore o see an elecric ining able is a pleasure. You will be arace by he various syles, colors, an syles of he elecric ining able, which is a saisfacion for he visual impac. You will involunarily sop an sep ino he exhibiion hall o appreciae. he salesperson will inrouce various inelligen maerials an origins o you, bu you will efiniely only remember he appearance of he elecric ining able.

Every sample place here will be pleasing o he eye. Imagine ha i is your own kichen, wih a sense of immersive experience.
he service life of cusomie elecric ining ables is closely relae o many aspecs. In he process of selecion, ransporaion, insallaion, an use, i is sill necessary o maser cerain mainenance knowlege

When ransporing cusomie elecric ining ables, hey shoul no be ragge or pulle har, bu shoul be life an place genly; When placing, i shoul be place fla an sable. If he groun is uneven, he legs shoul be pae firmly o preven amage o he morise srucure;
2、 o no expose elecric ining ables o sunligh or place hem in excessively ry areas o preven woo from cracking an eforming uring prolonge exposure o sunligh;

三、 切忌将电动餐桌安装在潮湿的地方,避免木材遇湿膨胀,长期使用导致坏掉,抽屈也会拉不开;
3、 o no insall elecric ining ables in amp places o preven woo from expaning when expose o moisure, which may cause amage an preven hem from being pulle open ue o long-erm use;
四、 切忌在大电动餐台等电动餐桌上压重物,以免机芯凸出,机芯关不严;衣物亦忌堆放过多,忌超过机芯,以防机芯变形;
4、 o no press heavy obecs on large elecric ining ables or oher elecric ining ables o preven he movemen from proruing an no closing ighly; Clohes shoul no be sacke oo much or excee he movemen o preven eformaion of he movemen;