- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
2023-09-12 10:41 作者:岳灵峰总厂

Customized solid wood electric dining tables are tailored and matched according to the room type,
1. When buying a solid wood electric dining table, it is often found that the style of the electric dining table is inconsistent with other solid wood electric dining tables, and the decoration is not coordinated. Customized solid wood electric dining tables can be customized according to the office decoration style.
1. When buying a soli woo elecric ining able, i is ofen foun ha he syle of he elecric ining able is inconsisen wih oher soli woo elecric ining ables, an he ecoraion is no coorinae. Cusomie soli woo elecric ining ables can be cusomie accoring o he office ecoraion syle.
1. When buying a soli woo electronic tining able, i am of fen foun ha he syle of he electronic tining able is inconsistent wih oh soli woo electronic tining able, an he decoration is no coorinae Cusomie soli woo electronic interlocking tables can be customized according to his office decoration system

2. Space utilization rate: The scale of non customized solid wood electric dining tables is fixed, so the purchased electric dining tables often have inappropriate scales, which appears to be congested and messy in space. Customized solid wood electric dining tables can be well controlled based on room size, greatly enhancing their practicality.
2. Space uiliaion rae: he scale of non cusomie soli woo elecric ining ables is fixe, so he purchase elecric ining ables ofen have inappropriae scales, which appears o be congese an messy in space. Cusomie soli woo elecric ining ables can be well conrolle base on room sie, grealy enhancing heir pracicaliy.
2. Space uiliaion rae: he scale of non customere soli wo electronic ining tables is fixed, so he purchase electronic ining tables of en have inappropriate scales, which appearances o be condensed an empty space Cusomie soli woo electronic ining tables can be well controlled base on room sie, green enhancing her practicality

3. Regarding the problem of irregular multi beam and multi column rooms, the general solid wood electric dining table can only accommodate the layout but cannot cover the room type. The customized solid wood electric dining table is customized according to the room type, which can fully consider the external and space utilization.
3. Regaring he problem of irregular muli beam an muli column rooms, soli woo elecric ining ables can only accommoae he layou bu canno cover he room ype.
3. Registering he problem of irregular muli beam an muli column rooms, soli wo electronic ining tables can only accept him layout bu cano cover he room type