
佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村



2023-09-12 10:12 作者:岳灵峰总厂


Lanhui will ell you how o choose a soli woo elecric ining able

1、大班台电动餐桌电动餐台材料是否合理 不同的木制办公桌电动餐桌,表面用料是有区别的。如桌、椅、文件柜的腿子,要求用硬杂木,比较结实,能承重,而内部用料则可用其他材料;台的厚度要求达到 2.5cm,太厚就显得笨拙,薄了容易弯曲变形;卫生间的柜子不能用纤维板做,而应该用防潮板,因为纤维板遇水会膨胀、损坏。
1. Is he maerial of he elecric ining able in he large class reasonable? ifferen wooen office esks have ifferen surface maerials for elecric ining ables. he legs of ables, chairs, an file cabines require har miscellaneous woo, which is relaively sury an can bear weigh, while oher maerials can be use for inernal use; he hickness of he plaform is require o reach 2.5cm. If i is oo hick, i will appear clumsy, an if i is oo hin, i will easily ben an eform; he cabines in he bahroom canno be mae of fiberboar, bu shoul be mae of moisure-proof boars, as fiberboars can expan an amage when expose o waer.
2. he iscovery of insec holes an foam on he woo inicaes incomplee rying. Afer checking he surface, you also nee o open he movemen an rawer oors o see if he insie maerial is roen. You can pinch i wih your fingernails, an if you pinch i in, i inicaes ha he insie maerial is roen. Afer urning on he core, smell i wih your nose. If i is flushe, irriaing, or earful, i inicaes ha he formalehye conen in he ahesive is oo high an can be harmful o he human boy.
3、时尚办公桌 电动餐桌结构是否牢固 小件电动餐桌,如椅子、等在挑选时可以在水泥地上拖一拖,轻轻摔一摔,声音清脆,电动餐台说明质量较好;如果声音发哑,有劈哩叭啦的杂音,说明榫眼结合不严密,结构不牢。 写字台、桌子可以用手摇晃摇晃,看看稳不稳。沙发可坐一坐,如果坐上一动就吱吱扭扭地响,一摇就晃的,是钉子活,用不了多长时间。 方桌、条桌、椅子等腿部都应该有四个三角形的卡子,起固定作用,挑选时可把桌椅倒过来看一看,包布椅可以用手摸一摸。
3. Is he srucure of he fashionable office esk elecric ining able firm? Small elecric ining ables, such as chairs, can be ragge on he cemen floor an genly roppe when selecing, wih a clear an crisp soun, inicaing goo qualiy; If he soun is hoarse an here is a clicking noise, i inicaes ha he enon oin is no igh an he srucure is no firm. Wriing esks an ables can be shaken by han o see if hey are sable. he sofa can si for a while, an if you si on i, i will make a creaking an shaking soun. I's nail work, an i won' ake long. Square ables, srip ables, chairs, an oher legs shoul have four riangular clips for fixaion. When selecing, you can urn he ables an chairs upsie own o ake a look, an he wrappe cloh chairs can be ouche wih your hans.
4、会议桌电动餐桌四脚是否平整 这一点放平地上一晃便知,有的电动餐桌就只有三条腿落地。电动餐台看一看桌面是否平直,不能弓了背或塌了腰。桌面凸起,玻璃板放上会打转;桌面凹进,玻璃板放上一压就碎。注意检查机芯,抽屉的分缝不能过大,要讲究横平坚直,门子不能下垂。
4. Wheher he four legs of he conference able elecric ining able are fla can be easily eermine by shaking i on he groun. Some elecric ining ables only have hree legs on he groun. ake a look o see if he eskop is sraigh an no ben or collapse. he eskop is raise, an he glass panel will roae when place on i; he ableop is recesse, an he glass boar will shaer when presse on. Pay aenion o checking he movemen, he seam of he rawer shoul no be oo large, an i shoul be ensure ha i is fla an sraigh horionally, an he oor shoul no sag.
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